Chapter 10: Confirmation

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Alastor POV

Y/N parents were really kind! I can't believe these were the people who neglected him, Its like it didn't come true at all.

But considering that they were nice, I was still dissapointed they were like that to my hubby, I can't wait to marry him!

Ok Al, Calm down, I just have to say the magic words so it can be finally true!

I was now walking downstairs since Y/N parents were actually rich, they have a pool, a nice bathroom and a three bedrooms with a rooftop that have a nice view of the Amazing Paris.

I eventually saw Y/N dad and he was just drinking coffee, I'll admit if he still was the neglectful dude to my hubby right now, I would've killed him, Serious.

Alastor: Ahem, Mr. L/N.

He turned around and saw me and instantly smiled while I have my own.

F/N: Ahh, Alastor, how are you dear?

He said happily, Perfect!

Alastor: I just have a question sir.

F/N: Sure, ask away.

Alastor: Well, not to be fast or anything but... I wanna Marry your son.

I said with a smile while his happy-go-lucky attitude fades away earning him a jaw-drop expression.

F/N: Oh... Umm...

I was panicking, Did I say something wrong?! Was I too fast?! Does he even like me?!

F/N: Well, I always wanted my son to be happy, all these years I've been nothing but trouble to him. I wish I can go back to time and say sorry to my boy, but I have questions of my own.

I was nervous, What if he says no?! Ohh, I'm gonna get myself thrown out!!

F/N: Do you love my son? And how old are you?

I was... Confused.

Alastor: Wait.. That's it.

F/N: Yes, That's it. Or you want a harder one?

I instantly said.

Alastor: No, no! I-i was just suprised.

F/N: Its alright, go ahead and answer, I'll see what I can do.

Alastor: Well, Of course I love your son! Very, Very, VERY much! And as for my age, I'm still in my 20's.

He was now thinking, Dang it! Please don't do that!

F/N: Well, Yeah no joke, you do look young and secondly and the most important is you love my son, You pass youngster.

I instantly smiled widely to the point I almost showed my deer tails and ears, I hugged Y/N dad tightly and was suprised from the sudden act.

Alastor: Thank you! You don't know how much I love my Y/N! Thank you so much sir, I promise, I'll love him till death!

And with that, I ran upstairs.

F/N: Hehe, Kids these days.


I was just sleeping peacefully when I felt someone nudging my arm, I opened my half-lidded eyes and saw Alastor with a huge grin.

I was confused by this since she doesn't usually wake up early, she giggled cutely which made me smile.

Alastor: Sorry babe, I just want to say something.

Y/N: Well, it is morning so.

I yawned and stretched my arms awake, I was still kinda tired considering we made out of 30 minutes last night.

Alastor: You ready?

She said rather impatiently which made me raise an eyebrow.

Y/N: What's getting you so hyped up in mornings like this?

She blushed embarassingly which made me chuckled and kissed her nose.

Y/N: Sorry, go ahead what is it?

Alastor: So, I asked your father about this... I just want to say that.... I-I..

She was getting scared which I hate it when I see her like this, I hugged her and kissed her cheek to relax.

Y/N: Al, don't worry, What did you talk about?

She was hesitant, but answered the one thing any man can be happy about...

Alastor: I.. Wanna Marry you.

She said with hopeful eyes... Marry... She wants to marry me...

I couldn't say anything but hugged her closer and kissed her deep, she melted and hugged me.

We lovingly made out for a minute and eventually stopped while touching foreheads, and the same aura of Love was circling us.

Alastor: Was that a yes?

Y/N: Well, I don't think a kiss is a no.

We shared a laugh and kissed for awhile, her loving eyes turned into a bedroom ones.. Oh no.

Y/N: Al, Dont. You. Dare.

She giggled seductively, she casted a spell on me which made my head dizzy and my eyes were only on hers.

Alastor: Don't worry Baby, This will be quick~.

A/N: Who would've thought eh? I did🤣🤣

Anyways, Hope you like it😁👍

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