Final Chapter 12: Suprise

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3rd POV

That beer was actually really good, although it was strong it was good.

The two lovebirds could be seen sitting on the couch, Alastor was grinning and Y/N was reading as usual.

He found reading really enjoyable with a little bit of relaxing Lo-Fi but he can feel a wave of aura around him, he looked at Alastor that has a wide grin on her face while looking at him.

Confused, he wondered what's with her.

Y/N: What is it hun?

Alastor: Nothing~ hehe~.

That giggle sent shivers on his spine which annoyed him.

Y/N: Would you calm down? Your hormones are loosening.

Alastor was taken aback by this, her grinning face turned into a shocked one.

Alastor: How dare you... It's not my fault your handsome!

Y/N however deadpanned.

Y/N: Really? that's your reason?

Alastor: Well what reason am I supposed to say?

She cutely pouted with her arms crossed, Y/N still has his deadpanned look but sighed.

Y/N: You're really strong, so why don't you act like it?

But that wasn't a good thing to say especially to a demon, her pout turned into a grin that paled Y/N face.

Alastor: Oh dear~ Do you wanna test my wrath sweetie~?

Sweat formed his forehead but he quickly wiped it and puts a determined face.

Y/N: I'm not afraid of you babe, I will not falter.

Alastor: Good luck baby boy~ hehe, I'll give you a headstart.

She began counting down and that's all the time he needed to run and hide.

...But it was futile...

Time Skip

Y/N was seen sitting on the couch but this time he was all out of energy, I mean just imagine a cute, beautiful demon chasing you... Yeah, you know what that sounds nice to be honest.

Alastor was smiling sweetly while Y/N was really tired out of his mined, it's a good thing they didn't ruin the house since his Mom would be furious.

Y/N: ...D-d'you know..? H-how many times I said... Please..?

He said between heavy breaths, although Alastor didn't mind it.

Alastor: Well, that's what you get for being a bad boy.

She suddenly gagged which made the boy turn his boyfriend mode on.

Y/N: Babe? You ok?

Alastor: I'm fine... that was weird.

Y/N: Are you sick?

Alastor: Not really.

She gagged again but this time her stomach was aching, she got up and walked to the bathroom, Y/N was getting concerned so he got up and followed her.

He then saw her kneeling down and throwing up at the toilet which suprised him.

Y/N: You ok hun..?

Alastor: U-um.. I-I think so..

She threw up again which is making the concerned boy afraid.

Y/N: Did we eat something.. wrong?

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