Dream's #1 Simp | Micheal & Dream |

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(I don't know if Micheal is okay it's shipping so until I find out this is just gonna be platonic :] )

(Also this is based off of his stream but I changed up the ending.)

Dream was sitting at his PC bored. When he looked at who was online the dreamsmp and it was only Quackity and Michael. Dream added Michael not too long ago. Him, MichaellMcChill, King Burren, And Technoblade all won an Mcc tournament together.

Dream liked Michael he was actually a good friend so Dream decided to have some fun with him, Knowing he would probably play along with it.

Dream joined the game and right away Michael noticed.

<MichaelMcChill> dweam

Dream giggled and started his plan-

<Dream> help I'm in prison Michaelmcchill break me out omg

Right when Michael saw that he sprung into action, He stopped his building and jumped from the cobblestone tower he built in his house then ran up the stairs, He kept running and jumped through his window frame. Luckily there was no glass in it yet... Michael was careful that he wouldn't die but also reckless so he took health, He jumped down the hill outside his house, The whole time you could here him spamming his space bar.

Dream was watching his stream so when he saw him going to the prison he typed in chat again,

<Dream> my hero

Dream laughed when speedrunning music started to play on his stream. "Go! Go! G- We gotta Go! We gotta Go. Where is it?! Where is it? We gotta go we gotta go!" He then got into a pond and used his trident to go faster "AGH We gotta go We gotta go! IM ON MY WAY DREAM!"

Michael was running by the wheat farm now and he continued yelling, "IM COMING! ugh" Michael kept messing up jumps because he was spamming space so much. "IM COMINGGGG" He climbed up a ladder up to the water tower so he could use the trident. "DU DU DU DU" The trident was pulled back "DU DU DU DU!" then he threw it and landed right behind Punz's house. He continued running toward the prison "Im the fucking greatest."

Dream was having fun with this he loved going into streams and hanging fun with the streamer and their chat!

Michael was jumping down from the bridge and onto the prime path "I'm the fucking greatest at minecraft. I-" He was shaking his mouse when he landed on the path "Alright there we go."

Dream typed in the chat again

<Dream> help!

"I'm on my wayy! IM ON MY WAYYYY" Michael was running down the prime path towards Tommys house. "IM ON MY WAY" He continued to jump. He jumped into the water, "DU DU DU DU" He sang the speedrun music. He pulled back the trident, as he was flying in the air he said it again! "DU DU DU DU!" Dream laughed when Michael realized he was on low health. "Oh god- EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT!" He quickly ate a bit of bread to heal up. Dream was laughing along with Micheal on the stream. He then continued on his way.

Micheal ran up the stairs "IM ON MY WAY!" "DUDUDUDU" "DUDUDUDU!" He ran past Tommy's house now going towards Bad and Skeppy' house. "I'm gonna do what everybody else, Would never do. Imma break him out!"

At this point Dream couldn't stop laughing, He was really glad he added Michael to the SMP he is a good addition.

"I'm gonna break him out!"

He started spamming his space bar again "COME ON!- COME ON..!"

Quackity left the game

Michael gasped- "Quackity knows...-"

Dream held in another laugh-

"He knows he doesn't want to be here for this shit!"

Dream started wheezing again

Micheal tried going through the front portal but it didn't work he was just confused...

<Michelmcchill> idk what go do

He sat still eating bread for a moment


" 'Break me out' okay!" He went back through the portal laughing "okay."

"dudududu!" Micheal started running and grabbed his trident again still laughing "Dudududu!"

"Where is he? WHERE IS HE??"

Micheal tried to Trident ontop of the prison..- "Let me in! LET ME IN!" As he was falling he thought of something. "Oh wait!- I'm gonna do the most gamer goddamn strat of all time!" He drew back the trident as far as he could and as he propelled through the sky he took out some blocks and as he was falling place it under his feet! "YOOOOOOOO"

"Okay..." He climbed to the top of the prison with blocks, "Ba dudududu!" Once he was at the top he started to run around "Alright there we go."

"Dream where are you?! DREAM WHERE ARE YOUUU?" Micheal scream out.

'If this were an actual prison break he would get caught immediately" Dream chuckled at his own thought.

Micheal was laughing while trying to find Dreams name tag "WHERE ARE YO-AHAHEHE..."

<Michaelmcchill> WHERE ARE YOUUU

He continued laughing "WHERE ARE YOU?!" A vision of the guardian flew around Michael scaring him "AH! MY GOD THAT FUCKING SCARED ME AHA!"


Micheal was laughing from pure fear "That actually scared me! That scare the fuck out of me" He laughed out.

Once he calmed down he continued "I don't see your name." He looked around for any sign "Where is he?...I don't see his name" He said just above a whisper "Where's his name..?"

As he was looking for Dream he continued talking "Dude Dream did nothing wrong!" He walked over near a snow pile. "He did nothing wrong!"Michael said proudly, He then walked over near the edge.


Michael read it out loud- "DUDE! AHAHA"

<Michaelmcchill> DUDE

"DUDE!!" Michael laughed out again, He was looking as hard as he could "Where are you? Are you crouching?!"

He was about to go back to the entrance when he saw redstone on the roof. "ITS A CLUE!" He started mining the obsidian which it gonna take a while from the mining fatigue. After a few seconds of mining he gave up.

<Michaelmcchill> coords

Michael laughed again, Dream looked for his coords and as soon as he saw them he told Michael

<Dream> -2 70 -913

Michael read the aloud "I got them Okay..." He ran around positioning himself in the correct coordinations.


"Let's go..Let's go." He looked at the message "I'm trying Dream! I'm tryin!!" Once he found the coords he saw Dreams name tag "Dream your so low...Dream your so low down there!"

<Michaelmcchill> youre so low

He started breaking it when someone in his chat told him to get milk. "Your right..."


"Kill you perm? OKAY OKAY!" He ran, Micheal went to the side after Dream told him milk won't work. We walked way until the effect went away then went back and broke as many blocks as he could.

~4 hour later~

Michael finally made it too Dreams cell, Some how Sam didn't get alarmed... Eh who know! He saw Dream sitting against the wall all bloody. "DWEAM!" He yelled and ran to Dream, Dream smiled and laughed

Michael got himself and Dream out of the prison. Dream joined the VC he was in "Thank you Micheal! Your such a hero!"

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