Do ya want a drink? |Dreambur|

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I'm his of the best way to ruin his mood was when the his co-workers decide to make some stupid ass report and PRESENT IT. In the middle of a meeting. Wilbur had always been one for patience and respecting his co-workers, but after a long week and that meeting gone horrible.. He was not in the mood for anything by any means. Unless it's a drink. Or.. a couple drinks. Enough to make him stop thinking is for sure. Not that the workplace doesn't literally kill his brain cells.

But that is currently not an option.. so the next best thing is to let his anger out on his intern who probably didn't deserve it but in his defence she was flirting with him and he's just not in the mood to humour anyone.

"Mr. Soot!" The girl- Sarah? Selene? Sabrina? S...- Something with an S! The girl was blushing as she rushed into the room, she was holding a coffee... it wasn't beer. But it was something. "Just as you like it sir!" It should be a black coffee with 2 shots of cream if his intern got it correct..for once. But the most noticeable thing as the lid wasn't on was a heart drawn of foam but a bit messed up from walking up stairs probably.

"Thank you." Was all he said in a tone that didn't show much emotion and nodded curtly before retreating back to his office. But of course just his week, he couldn't enjoy the probably messed up coffee in peace as the intern decided there was an invitation to follow him. He turned to look at the girl again "uh.."

The intern smiled and she looked as red as a tomato. "Would you like any help with paper work?" She walked so she was close to the brunette almost touching his chest. He shook his head politely declining, turning and continuing his walk. But his little shadow seemed hard to dissuade.

"I can sort through the folders!" She spoke once they entered the office.

"I think I can handle it." He spoke with a bit of venom getting annoyed by their persistent girl. He opened the door with more strength than necessary, and still she decided not to take the hint following him into the office and softly closing the door behind her.

Wilbur sat down in his chair letting out an annoyed sigh at the presence of the girl, taking a sip of coffee hoping it would cheer him up.

It didn't.

There was milk and sugar in the coffee which just ruined it for him.

"You want to be helpful..?" He spoke with his head turned down and eyes closed trying to release the pressure pounding his head. The intern desperately nodding her head speaking quickly repeating 'yes!'s and 'yes sir!'s and 'I do sir!'s

He looked up at the girl, and he knew deep down he should feel sorry for getting angry about the stupidest things but today was not the day to pester him. So instead of speaking calmly he slammed the coffee onto the desk making it splash out onto the surface and staining some papers but he couldn't be bothered at the moment.

"Then learn how to make a damned coffee!" He yelled out, the girls eyes nearly bulging out of her head. "Instead of focusing on stupid, useless ass foam hearts!" He pointed to the now completely ruined foam heart. "FOCUS ON GETTING THE COFFEE RIGHT!" And the intern almost broke into tears staring at her raging boss.

He laid back in his chair, back hitting the backrest with some force, and rubbed his head once again trying to release the pressure of his headache.

"You know what? You can be helpful." The man stood up. "You want to be helpful? Receive my praise? You think it's gonna get you a chance to get in my pants?" The man smiled like a mad-man just very angry at this point that he didn't pay any mind to what he was saying. "Stay here. Clean this coffee up. Sort through all the shit you desire!" He leaned over writing something on a sheet of paper. "And for once in your life study something. Figure out the coffee machine and how to make a simple coffee with creamer. Not milk or sugar!" He passed the paper to the shaking intern rather aggressively. "I am going out for the day. Think do it as a well deserved day off. And early weekend for me! I don't give a fuck. Just stay here and do SOMETHING."

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