Chapter 11 | New Friends

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Eiko's POV

TW: Meantions of shootings, emotional manipulation, and death

"Guys, today we have someone new joining us. This is Eiko Tsukomo," said the therapist, who's name I learned was Ms. Furukawa. "Eiko, can you introduce yourself and why you're here?"

"I-I'm five. I'm here because I was in the shooting that happened at a park not too long ago," I murmered, looking down at my feet. "D-Deku died protecting me, and I'm quirkless too." Tears started to drop down on my cheeks, so I wiped them away.

"It's okay, kiddo, don't cry! Everyone here has gone something similar or as horrible as you have. No one here will hurt you," Ms. Furukawa put her hands on my shoulders. "Can you all introduce yourselves? We'll start on to the right with Hiroshi."

"I'm Hiroshi Shibata and I'm eight," a boy with blue hair said. "I visited the United States a few months ago, and while I was there, like Tsukomo, a shooting happened. Me and my dad made it out of the range of fire, but my mom was hit. She's okay now, though. But I still get kinda scared when there's loud noises."

A girl with a really pretty voice continued. "My name is Ren Hasegawa. I'm six. When my quirk, Siren, developed, I accidentally controlled people at my school. I unintentionally killed them. I guess I'm here to feel better about my quirk."

Hasegawa is scary...

"Okay, lastly, we have Izanagi since Kazashi couldn't make it today," Ms. Furukawa said. "You can start Izanagi."

"I'm Izanagi Yoshida, and I'm ten. My parents only had me to make them money. My quirk can can make rare gems and ores, but it exhaust me. They emotionally manipulated me into thinking that I was doing a great thing for the world," Izanagi, a boy with gray hair explained. "I kept falling asleep in class, so finally in 3rd grade my teacher asked why I kept falling asleep, and I told her what I had been doing,"

Oh my gosh! Yoshida's parents are so bad!

"My teacher had my parents arrested, and now I live with my aunt and uncle." Inazagi finished.

"I feel like you all have way badder stories than me," I mumbled. "Especially Hasegawa and Yoshida."

"No way! Yours is way worse than mine!" Shibata objected. "The number one literally died right in front of your eyes! If that's bad, then I dunno what is!"

"I guess you're right..." I agreed. "Okay, kids, let's start now that we all know each other," Ms. Furukawa inturupted. "Eiko, you go first since you're the newest. So here's how we do this,"


"So how was it?" Mommy asked as I climbed into my car seat. "Okay," I replied. "One kid wasn't there, one kid was scary, and the other didn't talk much. He looked tired. Oh! And I may have made a friend with another kid!"

"That's great, honey!" Mommy cheered. "Oh, and Daddy is at home! He got off of work early, so you can play with him when he gets home while I make dinner!"


I really try and harness my inner 5 year old when I write in Eiko's POV. I have to think, okay, would a 5 year old know this word? Would a 5 year old talk like this?
Also thanks to makii_makk for the ideas of what's coming next (and this chapter too)
Anyways, have a good day/night!

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