Chapter 5 - What's your next dream?

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Ship approached the harbour for the first time in weeks, "Finally in Kalpi?" I asked. Agraj shook his head, "Khairwan, I heard it's another three days from here." Hundreds of soldiers waited on the shore. I could see their reaction as the ship came near. Avru and Mritunjay appeared, both the men were dressed as if for war.

"Carriages are waiting at the shore. You both will travel with the son of Kalpi's official consultant." Avru told.

I tried to pick out the person with whom we were going to travel but there were too many soldiers and horses. "Have you taken your canvases?" Agraj asked. "Yes. Have you taken it?" I questioned. Agraj nodded, he had hidden my father's ring from the chamber before Mritunjay's soldiers could claim it. I looked at the polished decks for one last time as the sound of trumpets pierced the air. Three of us had boarded the ship but only two reached the enemy's shore. Mritunjay was the first to move, followed by Avru and Dhuram.

When it was our turn to walk the wooden steps Agraj gave out his hand. I held him and suddenly my legs gave up. "Agraj" I let out, within a fraction of second Dhuram held my other hand for support. It was after so many days my feet were feeling the land. "Now, don't faint on me Princess. I'm not the one who is supposed to take care of you here." Dhuram said sarcastically and left to join Mrityunjay and Avru. What was the need to offer help? When he had to be sarcastic about helping.

"Sayam" we heard Mrityunjay calling out. He was a tall and lean boy in his late teens, "I'm glad to see you've returned safe, Mritunjay" he said. After a brief introduction we walked towards our carriage, "Please" Sayam opened the door for us. Agraj and I sat inside while Sayam chatted with Dhuram outside.

"Welcome back, Brother." I could hear their laughter. "How were the women in Vardha. They would have swooned in your arms."

"We were on a war" Dhuram replied.

"I heard you fought..." Sayam cut himself It was Mrityunjay's voice, "I hope you've been applying as much passion to your studies as you do to your gossiping."

"Yes, Mritunjay" he said in a serious tone.

"Good. Then can you tell, what kind of ship it was in which we travelled?" There was an uneasy silence, I could imagine Sayam's extreme discomfort. I pressed my mouth close to the window and whispered, "Battle cruiser"

"Vedam" Agraj mouthed but Sayam heard and repeated my words, "I guess, it's a battle cruiser."

Sayam joined us in the carriage, he looked immensely relieved. "I don't know how to thank you, Princess Vedam" he said. I smirked, "Women of Vardha know much more than just swooning over men!"

"So, you are Dhuram's brother?" Agraj asked to make the situation less tensed.

"Prepare yourself to be confused most of the time from now. I'm son of Asva, she's official consultant of Kalpi. My mother and Dhuram's father were siblings so we are first cousins. Mritunjay knows our family since years and after King's death, my mother and Mrityunjay took care of the empire." He explained.

"In that case you are also a prince?" I inquired.

"Yes, I'm but Dhuram is the real heir of Kalpi" he said.

There was another question in our minds since a long time but didn't have the courage to ask anyone on cruise. "We'll stay as prisoners in Kalpi's? Prison house?" Agraj asked a little louder than intended. Sayam laughed at it, "No, you'll stay with us in our castle."


It was the last evening of our journey, we'd reach Kalpi by the night. Agraj and Sayam were in middle of a conversation. I had thrown the curtains aside and pressed my face on the window when procession of our carriages came to a sudden stop. Agraj and I both looked at Sayam, "Are we there?" I asked nervously.

"We haven't even passed the Kalpi wall" he frowned and leaned out of the carriage. There was commotion happening in front of us. I could hear raised voice of Mritunjay and Avru.

"What's happening?" Sayam shouted. When no one answered, he opened the carriage door and I caught a glimpse of soldiers. "I'll be right back" he promised, shutting the door.

"What do you think it is?" I asked Agraj.

"A broken wheel or maybe a dead horse."

Sayam returned with dullness all over his face, "You two can also come out and take some fresh air. We won't be going anywhere for a while" He helped us in coming out from the carriage. "What happened?" Agraj asked. Sayam ran his hand through his hair, "It's a slave rebellion." As the word spread among the carriages that there would be no more progress for several hours, doors swung open and tired looking soldiers stumbled out into the cobblestones.

We approached a group of soldiers who were explaining to Mritunjay how it had happened. Avru and Dhuram were also there listening intently. "Many of the slaves are the ones who escaped from the prison. It began this morning, and since then more slaves have joined the rebellion" one of the soldiers described the scene.

"And who is leading them?" Mritunjay demanded.

"No one. They were stirred up by the messages of Kuru and now are all over the streets. It's nothing to worry about. The rebellion will be put dow before sunset " He finished quickly.

Mritunjay turned his face to Sayam, "Was there any trouble when you left Kalpi three days ago?"

"No, the streets were peaceful." Sayam said.

"I doubt there was Kuru's hand in this. When we'll find him and..." Dhuram was cut by Mritunjay, "We'll crucify him. His messages are breeding the next Black scorpion rebellion. And remember" he said darkly "one third of Kalpi's population is enslaved."

"What's Black scorpion and Who's Kuru?" I said aloud.

Everyone glared at me. Dhuram indicated Sayam to take us away from the conversation. He pulled us to our carriage, "Who's Kuru and what is this Black scorpion?" I asked again.

"Black Scorpion was a slave. Almost fifty years ago he led more than a thousand slaves into a revolt against slavery going on in Kalpi but that revolt was crucified. So, for years the slaves never crossed their lines. Now again a person named Kuru is breeding them by posting messages. Who is he? What's is real name? no one knows anything" he told us. I turned a bit tensed listening the story.

Agraj and Sayam began playing chess while I laid on my seat. My eyes had turned heavy. I didn't realise when I went into deep sleep. Late at night I felt someone's presence near me, Immediately I opened my eyes. Moonlight was beaming through the window. I saw glimpses of Dhuram in that dim light. He was on top of me, his breath tingling on my lips. Slowly, he encircled my waist with his left hand. I don't know for how long he stayed like that, with our lips at a distance of few millimetres. Moving closer he kissed on my neck.

I gasped waking up, my breath had turned uneven. I lingered my eyes all around the room, Dhuram was nowhere to be found. Agraj and Sayam were lying on their seats in deep sleep. After gulping few sips of water my breath became even. "Huh, it was just a dream!" I calmed myself and drifted back to sleep.


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P.S. I know the story has been going little slow till now but there'd be more twists, turns and lot of romance coming up. So, stay tuned.


Pratsy Arya

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