chapter seven

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Her cold sinister laugh..

It was the last thing I heard before she moved her arm around to my stomach and pushed the knife through my skin. My whole body arched backwards, a gasp leaving my lips before dropping to my knees.

Peters POV.


I thought as she explained why I couldn't love, it was supposed to be me to tell her. Then it all seemed to happen in slow motion, Layla moved her knife to Belle's stomach roughly pressing down. But it was as if I was stuck and couldn't move fast enough.

Her look will be the only thing to haunt me, she felt victory. Having Belle's blood spill on her hands, hearing her gasp in shock. She was pleased at what she has achieved. Slowly I watched as Belle's body arched back, throwing her head back before she fell to the ground.

My shout echoed through my ears as I began running, it felt so slow. Like I wouldn't get there on time, her long hair swayed as the wind picked up its speed before rolling onto her back.

"What have you done !" Quickly I dropped to my knees beside Belle, glancing from her face to her wound.

"I cannot believe my own eyes, the cold Peter Pan himself.. cares ?" She laughed before disappearing into thin air as the boys finally started approaching.

Instead of all asking questions at once they froze in their spaces, taking in the sight before them. Her face became paler with each moment passing by, her blue eyes beginning to glow brighter.


A large lump got stuck in my troath just watching her die..

"Belle, don't you dare. You stupid kid you promised to never leave, Hobbs !" One of the boys ran from the group to the other side of Belle fumbling around her wound.

Few seconds that's all it took before he's entire face dropped, I felt the familiar anger building up inside of me not being able to grasp control.

"I-It's poisen Pan, dark magic. I.. I can't do anything." I stared at him feeling my eyes fill black, my breathing deepening.

Just one touch on my hand made it all go away, I blinked away the darkness looking down at the hand squeezing mine. With her last strength she brought her promise to life.

"I promise.." She smiled weakly, resting the palm of her hand on my cheek as I leaned into her.

"Well well do we have another -" the arrogant voice broke through the silence that was kept for her. I could hear her heart beat slowing down.

Jack douchebag Frost flew down, ice and frost covering the ground under us a worried expression appearing on hes face. To my own suprise he leaned down studying the wound in Belle's stomach, the outline already turning black.

"I can help, I can slow down the process but you need to leave and find the cure Pan." He spoke focusing the tip of he's stick on the opening of her wound.

I simply nodded at him not in the mood to argue at the moment, blue burning light escaped from the tip into her wound. She arched her body back, her mouth opening but nothing came out. She seemed to relax but her eyes fluttered close.

"You said you would help !" I shouted at him as he pulled away taking her little body into he's arms.

"She is simply in a coma, now leave. She doesn't have a lot of time."

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