The test of curses

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Komori's POV

She smiles at me which made my heart skip a beat, but how? I mean the curse and things aren't really my thing. "So... True Identity, it's actually pretty awsome since when you were born, the gender or idk identity you have in that time will be the opposite when you starts to cry. They oftenly happened to girls and when they cry, they turn into boys... altho they do act or like their personality and appearnce can be feminine." I actually know that Terushima is cursed and is really a girl...

"So the 3rd... It's not easy to explain since only one person can have this curse. It's not a blessing at all, but according to the name it's The gift of Cupid. It's kind of stupid since I'm not even a son of Eros, or known as Cupid. I'm actually the son of Apollo which I'm not proud pf but anyways...

A person who can't fall inlove but people always fall inlove to that person... It's not easy to reject them since yoy need to help them fall for someone else but not sure if they will reciprocate their feelings. It's not easy to have all the admirers ask them out but have to turn them down, they wouldn't even understand what he's going through...

Then the 4th is the Curse of Cupid... It's really the shittiest curse ever, They always fall inlove yet their love isn't reciprocate and always wasted... I don't know anything else other than that, but I sure do know that this curse is only for the daughter of Eros." I can't say that they we're all curious at who is it but I do know that Akagi Michinari out of all the girls are the one who have that cursw. "So there are 3 curses that doesn't have 2 or more person that have... this three last curses I said is those curse. Akagi Michinari, daughter of Eros or known as Cupid have the curse of Cupid. The shittiest curse ever occured. I Komori Motoya have the 2nd shittiest curse and that's the Gift of Cupid. And the last is the True Identity but I want them to be the one to find out."

"Well, why don't we do the test? So girls line up to me, includinh you Teru and boys to Akagi... it supposed to be the other way around but if it's girl to girl, it would take time." They all line up and I took out a ball... a crystal ball. And Akagi did the same but her's is dark ball. "Please tell me this is some sort of witchery or wizards stuff." Oikawa said as we started.

Akaashi A heart that is locked
Atsumu Can't be alone
Osamu Can't be alone
Kita No emotions
Oikawa A soul that is sealed
Suga Lost Memory
Shirabu A heart that is locked
Kenma No emotions
Yaku A heart that is sealed
Yahaba Aurora's spell
Noya A soul that is sealed
Tanaka A soul that is sealed
Hinata Can't be alone
Yamaguchi Lost memory
Makki A soul that is sealed
Kunimi Aurora's spell
Tendou A soul that is sealed
Terushima ...

Bokuto A soul thay is sealed
Sakusa Animal's gift
Suna Animal's gift
Aran Aurora's spell
Iwazumi A heart that is locked
Daichi A heart that is locked
Semi Can't be alone
Kuro No emotions
Lev A heart that is locked
Kyoutani A soul that is sealed
Asahi A heart that is locked
Ennoshita A heart that is locked
Kageyama Can't be alone
Tsukishima A soul that is sealed
Matsun A heart that is locked
Kindaichi Can't be alone
Ushijima No emotions

Bokuto: Never knew Kubro is emotionless before

Akagi: What happened to Teru's cruse?

Kita: Why does I feel like Keiji-kun, Daichi, Hajime, Matsun, and Chika-kun all have the same curses... well most have the curse but those this mean that their family have the same curses? I mean they are cousins after all.

Oikawa: The Can't be alone is kinda true in the youngest child... y'know Tobio can't be alone in sleeping... same goes to Chibi-chan, and Yutaro-kun. And the twins? Not surprise at all.

Shirabi: Not surprise that Kei doesn't have a soul, he doesn't also even have a heart.

Tsukishima: Your one to talk Kenji-nee, I mean you literally is the definition of a salt shaker and you don't have a heary.

Akagi: Both of you have the same personalities y'know. And the fact that you both roast each other is hella funny.

Suga: This is chaos

Coach Ukai: Tell me about it. Anyways, I wouls like to know why Teruahima doesn't have a curse?

Me: let him find it out by himself

Kuguri: I'll help him since he's not-

Shibayama: Shut up Kuguri, he'll find it out soon.

Daishou: I think I know what it is already...

Terushima: Then tell me what it is? I'm freaking clueless.

Kiyoko: Why does Komori, Akagi, and Daishou only knows about it? I mean we should also know?!

Yachi: Not really babe but sure I guess?

Akagi: It's not a good idea for a mean time, but how did you know Daishou?

Daishou: It's like I feel it, like it's a string of memory I have yet I don't?

Kuro: Dude you're confusing asf but I guess 'True pairs are faited, New feelings bloomed and created. Know each other and bonded, Love will bloom in each hearts that are mated.'

Lev: 'Eyes that are blinded, Heart that are demented, Blink twice and try, to see the light that shine."

Kiyoko: 'Focus on what is infront of you, dismay the feeling of uneasiness inside you, embrace what reality that brings you, and smile through the pain even if it hunts you.'

Me: Okay stop with this poetry shit... I hate when we all goes poet all of a sudden with all those nonsense words that riddles our brain, don't you think everyone here have those cells? That can understand the meaning behind those poems.

Akagi: you did the same Komo, don't act so stupid and dumb when you know it too well. But can we continue with the introduction? Cause I still want to know the others and the pairings for this school year... and projects.

Akaashi: Such a nerd

Oikawa: Like you 'Kaashi?

Suga: Enough child

Atsumu: No let the bitch fight!

Osamu: Why is she my twin again?

Yaku: Crackheads...

This is chaos in minimal.

This is the most shittiest I ever done, plus I can't think of anything now. Please forgive me for the poetry stuffs, I love poems and poets but I'm not good at this stuffs so please forgive my knowledge in poems. I try my best to come up with good peoms but my mind isn't responding to my request. Btw sorry for the delay and I hope this will do for now, my sleep schedule is messed up and I barely have time for myself right now. I hope your having a good day and thanks for the support and love! Love yoy all!!!

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