Chapter 1

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Taylor's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, time to make my dad breakfast so I don't get a bad beating. Today was game day and I'd rather not be in a ton of pain playing tonight.

I crawl out of bed holding my side, still hurting from last nights beating. I make my way downstairs and grab Eggs, bacon, sausage and pancake mix. I make the mix and cook everything and have It ready as he walks in the kitchen. He was definitely more hungover then usual.

"Where's my juice?" He says

Oh shit

I quickly grab the jug out of the fridge and pour him a glass.

"I'm sorry I forgot to pour It" I say placing the glass on the table. He gets up and slaps me hard across the face before shoving me as hard as he can into the kitchen island. I fall down and he kicks me in the stomach three times.

"Get the hell out of my sight." he yells

I scramble to my feet and leave the kitchen as fast as I can. I head back to my room and hop in the shower. I get dried off and get dressed. Since It was game day I got to wear my jersey, something our school always did on game day. I put make up on to over the new red bruise on my cheek. My dad only leaves bruises where people can't see, so any place that make up can over up and my back or stomach during the school year. Summer is when he stops caring and he leaves bruises anywhere he wants. Those 3 months off school are hell.

I grab my school bag, lunch and game bag.

"I have a game tonight so I won't be home right after school." I say

"You know the rules, be home by 8 or you're going to wish you were dead." He says still eating his breakfast.

I've never been late, if I don't have practice I'm expected to be home by 3:30, since school is out at 3:10. Practice days I have to be home by 6, practice is normally 3:30-5:3o. Game day is 8.

"Yes sir." I say

It was about a 20 minute walk to school so not to bad. I put my music on and start walking. I walk through the front doors of the school and head to my locker. I put my soccer bag in the locker and take out my 1-3rd classes binder. I close my locker and hear someone yelling my name.

"Marshall!" Yells Addison, one of my teammates.

"Hey Addie" I say  as we do our little handshake.

"Ready for tonight's game?" She asks

"Always ready." I say

"Sara said they are going to be out for blood tonight." She says

"Why?" I ask looking over at her while we walk to the cafeteria to sit down before class starts.

"Something about you injuring their captain. You don't remember? She asks

"It was a 50/50 ball, I wasn't even carded for It. They can't be that pissed at me and she was going after me all game." I say

"Well It sounds like a target is on your back tonight." She says

"Well what's  new." I say as the bell rings, we get up from our seats and head our separate way to class. I had math first period, which should be illegal. It's to early for this shit.

*skipping to after school*

The final bell just rang, I headed to my locker to put my books away, I grabbed any homework That I  needed to do. I normally just take home from my first 3 periods and normally do any other homework for my last 3 periods at lunch or during my other classes. I grab my game bag and head to the locker room. The game didn't start for another hour and a half but I sure as hell didn't want to go home, thankfully my dad is to drunk to figure that out.

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