Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV

I wake up and everything hurts. I was still laying on the floor where I had passed out. I could hear the tv on in the other room and my dad was snoring loudly. I pulled my phone out and checked the time. It was just after 1 am. I get up slowly and clean up the mess my dad left, as well as any blood. I was supposed to train with the national team tomorrow. I have to figure out something to say to my father so he doesn't find out what I'm actually doing. I'll probably tell him we have extra practice since it's almost play offs. Hopefully he buys that.

I was starving so I grabbed a protein drink out of the fridge and head up to my room with my bags. I'll do my homework Sunday. I hop in the shower before going to bed.

*next morning*

My alarm went off at 8 am, I get changed and head downstairs to make him breakfast. My dad was in his recliner watching some show. I make bacon, hash browns and an Omelette with some of the bacon and cheese in the middle of It. I grab a glass for his orange juice this time so I don't forget It. I walk to the family room with the plate and juice, he pulls the small table in front of him and I set It down. He starts eating right away.

"There's an extra practice today since we have playoffs in a few weeks, I was wondering if I could go?" I ask cautiously

"Be home by 8, unless you want another beating like last night." He says continuing to eat his food.

Yes sir. I say going back to the kitchen, I make myself an Omlette and take It upstairs. I eat while I get ready. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and I put makeup on to cover up my visible bruises. I head back downstairs and wash my plate. I then go to the family room to grab my dads plate and cup. I wash them quickly and out them in the dishwasher.

"Get me a beer before you leave." He says

I go and grab a beer out of the fridge. There was only 3 left so I grabbed the box that was by the fridge and I put more in, he doesn't like warm beer and I didn't want to get beat for not making sure the fridge is stocked of beer. I grab my bag and hand him his beer. He takes It from me and takes a drink before setting It down.

"I put the last of the beers in the fridge." I say softly and he just nods his head before looking at me.

"Get the hell out of my house, you worthless peace of shit." He says And I grab my bag and head out the door.

The training camp wasn't to far away, maybe a 30 minute walk. Security stops me and I let them know who I am, they then walk me to the locker room.

"Taylor!" Says Christen getting up and coming over and hugging me, the rest of the girls get up and introduce themselves, of course I already know who everyone is. This is crazy.

I see Jill walk in.

"Oh Taylor, you are here, glad you could make it." Says Jill with a soft smile. "Ladies this is Taylor Marshall, she will be training with us today, she's 15 years old and is very talented." Jill finishes

"Be out on the field in 5 minutes." Says one of the trainers.

I set my bag down and grab my cleats socks and shin guards, I put my socks on and then slide my shin guards in making sure they don't slip and then put my cleats on. I look up and I see Hope I waiting for me. I get up and walk with her to the field.

"How's you're knee?" She asks

"It's okay, it's bruised a bit but It doesn't hurt anymore." I reply

"Good, how about the rest of you? You got taken down a bunch last night." She asks

I feel good, I took some ibuprofen and I'm all good. I say looking up at her and smile softly

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