Chapter 5

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Taylor's pov

I wake up to the sound of  someone else's alarm. I was pretty sore this morning, my side was hurting pretty bad.

"Training in about an hour, do you want to grab breakfast?" Asks Alex

"Sure." I say

"Are you alright Tay?" Asks Hope

"Yeah just a bit sore after last nights game." I say as I get up and start getting ready.

"You sure you feel well enough to train? You got taken down quite a few times last night and with your dad showing up."  Asks Alex

"Yeah I'm good, I've played in worse conditions." I say

They both went quiet so I finally looked up at them, they both had sad expressions on their faces.

"I'm sorry." I say softly

"Don't be." They say at the same time.

"I promise if I start feeling worse I will sit out." I say

"Good." Says Alex

We all head downstairs to eat a quick breakfast before loading onto the bus to head to the stadium where we were training. We immediately jump into training.

"Taylor? Can you come with me?" Asks Jill

"Sure." I say as I follow her inside.

The media team wants to take some photos of you in your kit, since you are in the training photos, people will want to know who you are, so they plan to announce you before posting the training photos. It should be pretty quick! Just a few photos." She says

"Sounds good." I say

I head into the locker room and see my jersey for the first time. Number 24 with my last name on It. I put It on and head back out to the media team, they do my makeup up and hair and I take a few photos.

I crossed my arms for one of the photos with a serious face, I also just did a regular photo of me smiling. I point to the camera for the third one and point to the USA logo for the final photo.

They also had video of me playing that they were going to add to the post. I was a bit nervous to see the response. They also asked for my instagram handle so they could tag me.

Once the media team got all they needed I headed back to the changing room and joined training again. The post was live by the time we finished with training. My phone was blowing up with notifications, follows, comments, mentions, It was pretty crazy.

We all head back to the bus to head back to the hotel. Some of the girls had planned to go to a restaurant that wasn't far from the hotel.

We all get back to the hotel and take turns showering before getting ready for dinner. We called ahead since we were a pretty big group and got seated after waiting a few minutes. I sat next to Hope on my left and Alex was on my right.

We all order our drinks and wait as the others arrive before we start ordering our meals. I ended up getting a turkey club sandwich with some fries.

"Tay." Says Tobin causing me to look up and over at her

"Yeah?" I ask

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