Chapter 4

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Taylor's pov

*time skip to Thursday*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I instantly turn It off  so I don't wake Alex or Hope up and rub my eyes. I was still really sore but I really didn't want to miss anymore days with school and especially practice.

"Hey kiddo, do you feel well enough to go to school today?" Asks Alex as she sits up in her bed.

"I probably should." I say as I get out of bed and start getting ready for the day.

"Alright, let me know when you're ready and I can take you." Says Alex

"Thank you." I say as I head into the bathroom to finish getting ready. I grab my backpack and soccer bag.

"I'm ready." I say

Hope was just waking up.

"Morning Kiddo." She says

"Morning Hope." I say

"Gimme a few and I'll come with you." Says Hope as she gets dressed really quickly.

Once Hope was ready we head downstairs, I grab a banana before heading to the car. I get in the back and hope and Alex get in the front. Hope drives to the school.

"Thanks for the ride." I say

"Anytime, what time are you out today?" Asks Hope

"School is out at 3:30 but soccer practice ends at 4:30." I say

"Alright, we have training today but we should be done then." Says Alex

"Sounds good, good luck with training." I say as I get out of the car.

"Call us if you need anything." Says Hope

"Will do, bye guys." I say closing the door and begin walking to the front doors.

Addie catches up to me and we both head to our lockers to grab the stuff we needed for our first couple classes before heading to the cafeteria to sit and talk while we wait for the bell to ring.

"How are you feeling?" Asks Addie

"Better." I say

"I heard you got to train with the USWNT! Why didn't you say anything? You're also in the training photos! She says as she pulls her phone out and shows me the photos.

"That's crazy" I say

"A lot of people want to know who you are." She says

"I haven't been officially signed or called up, so it's probably best I don't say anything." I say

"True, how was It though?" She asks

"It was a lot of fun, I got to meet the team and train with them. I have to tell you something but you have to promise you won't say anything." I say

"I promise." She says

"Jill wants me to play Japan Monday night." I say

"Wait, like actually play for USA?" She asks

Yeah! She's already got my jersey ready and everything got approved." I say

"That's fucking sick! How are you not freaking out right how?! She asks

"Oh I'm sure I will this weekend. I don't think its hit me yet." I say

"Have you told coach yet?" She asks

"Not yet, I plan on telling her today at practice." I day

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