Chapter 3

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Taylors pov

We just got back to the hotel. It was close to 1 am by now. Hope was talking with Jill. I guess Alex and Hope are roommates so that makes it easy. Alex was currently setting up the little pull out bed for me to sleep on. I was sitting on Alex's bed as she was trying to figure out how to get the bed to open. I was looking down at my wrist, that was bandaged up.  The memories about everything that happened suddenly flooded back in and I remembered everything that happened earlier tonight.

Alex's POV

I was trying to set up the pull up bed and it was being a pain in the ass. I finally was able to get it to open. I grabbed a sheet and put it over the mattress and grabbed a pillow. I started hearing heavy breathing so I stopped what I was doing and turned around. Taylor was sitting on my bed, she was looking to the floor and I could tell something was wrong. I walked over to her and crouched down to her level and gently placed my hands on her knees.

"Tay? Are you okay?" I ask softly so I don't scare her. when she didn't respond I lightly shook her, hoping to snap her out of whatever was happening.

She seemed to snap out of it once I shook her, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and she leaned forward and hugged me. I hugged her back and I could see my shirt starting to get wet from her crying, I held her until she calmed down. I heard the door open and close and Hope walked in.  she came over and rubbed Taylor's back. It seemed to calm her down more.  Once she calmed down she got up.

"I'm sorry." she says but I cut her off.

"Hey don't be sorry, your perfectly fine.  Its been a long day and you have gone through a lot. Are you okay?" I ask standing up and taking a seat next to Hope on her bed while Taylor sits down on my bed again.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I don't know what happened." She says with an confused expression on her face.

"I think you had a panic attack, you were zoned out and I had to shake you in order to get you to snap out of it." I say softly and Taylor just nods her head and wipes her eyes. Hope reaches over and grabs the tissue box. Taylor takes a tissue and thanks Hope.

"The important thing is your safe now. No one will hurt you again." Says Hope

"Even if anyone tries, they have to go through all of us first. You're family now" I say smiling and Taylor seems to relax a bit, knowing that both of us are right.

"Did they catch my dad?" she asks

"I think they are still looking for him, he left as we got back to your house. We waited until he was gone before going into your house. I was the one who found you." Says Hope

"How did you know?" She asks looking over at Hope

"When you got out of the car I saw your back. I knew it couldn't have been just from your game. They were to dark to be fresh. When we dropped you off and we were headed back to the hotel and I just had a bad feeling. I told JJ to turn around and  as soon as got out of the car, I heard screaming and crashing sounds. It look everything in me not to bust that door down, but Alex told me I needed to wait so we didn't put you in more danger. I'm just glad I listened to my gut or it could have been  a very different outcome. "She says

"Thank you for saving me." She says standing up as she hugs both of us. We both hug her back.

"It's late. We should all get some sleep." I say getting up and finishing putting Taylor's bed together. Hope grabbed some clothes for her to change into, so she went into the bathroom to shower and change.

I ended up falling asleep pretty quickly.

*Next morning*
Hope's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got out of bed and stayed seated on my bed. Alex was starting to wake up too. I looked over on the pull out bed and saw Taylor wasn't there.

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