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Warning: Long chapter ahead.

Sakamaki and Mukami

After waking up from nap time, yui and Asami went downstairs living room, chose to sit down as close as possible to her, other vampires joined them, eyes stare at her.

They began the meeting with discussing aftermath of the fight with the founders.

Two survivors.

she was familiar with legend of First Blood clan used to be powerful clan with their own magic, demonic and shift to wolf form,  sadly they caught a rare disease spreading amongst the clan, driving them crazy. The Vampire king had closed it off for protection of vampire race but not before one of members escaped and married into viper clan.

Karlheinz appeared to side thwir cause, bit when things appeared the First Blood duo would win, strange eagles had appeared out of nowhere and fought them off. Forced to retreat.

Many of the male in the room were still recovering from their injuries. Large scratches across chests and bite wrapped in bandages.

second and most important.

It was time to discuss the real purpose of the meeting.

Re-introduce herself as Komori Asami, Yui's biological sister and twin.

Although we are twins, we are are our own people with their own opinions and difference. Ayato and Laito about comment on certian part of her body, she crossed her arms over her chest glare at them. "Yes, that does include our chest sizes and height. Kindly ask refrain from nicknames."

Or else I'll hang you both by your ankles from the chandelier of your living room, and wrapped in rope.

Mukami Ruki shared info he had gathered from questioning over dinner the night before.

Although how was Yui was able to get in touch with her relative without a mobile device or public phone. They did not know.

Good. If they knew the reason, they'd try to cut off communications between us and won't allow it.

Asami will not disclose how they communicated. However, she did give Yui means just in case. Yui reached out to her a few days ago and deeply concerned for her well being and decide to travel here in person to see situation for myself. What I've discovered has her very worried.

I admit I know what you all are and don't care about your pasts  It is not my business.

For all undead s in this room, who may have been born vampires or otherwise. You all taught about vampire kind is one thing," she casts glares at every single vampire vampire minus Shu, he is an exception.

" However it is another thing entirely to reveal your existence to my sister and automatically assume things. Then complain when she doesn't know what to do. When it isnt her fault.

"Let me set this straight to you all.  If you truly wish for her know how to handle herself around your kind, and adapt, then perhaps it's time to teach her with a proper education to learn your history and etiquette, that way can avoid the same future problems from ocuring again.  As the ones who revealed what they were to my sister, it is your responsibility and yours alone to teach, and guide her. 

This was probably the first time someone had been blunt with them about one of old problems.

I hate to admit it, but she has a good point.

Kindly thank for bringing this to our attention, miss, Komori. Downs explain the reason for your visit.

Glad you asked.

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