A Familar face

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It was almost half an hour since the first bloods had taken Yui and stood there staring at the spot sister stood.

Waited until the other three arrived. She didn't recall how she ended up in the limousine or trip back to the mansion. no one spoke a word. 

Brought her back to the mansion and made to sit down with a cup of tea. She stared at wall, barely touching her drink. She could distinctively heae voices in the background bit sounded like they were underwater.

The memory of look of fear on Yui's face as they took her and powerlessness being unable to stop them.

Later that night. Asami went to visit Yui's room. Her scent was overwhelming, her throat was burning and thirsty.

She can't stay in there.

Stormed out the room, down the stairs and kept going until reached the guest bedroom. Refused to unpack her things.  Outside doorway stood a familiar boy weaeing bandages and beret hat.

"Eve-" before he could finish. She closed the door and took a deep breath. That was rude to cut him off.

Needed fresh air. Couldnt go back out that door so opened the window adjar, it jammed halfway. Great, they've escape proofed the place.

She went over to the mini fridge and rummaged through until found water bottle with liquid. Chugged it down.

Asami's sherbet eyes widened in shock.

It's...not working.

She took steps back until her back pressed against the wall and slid down until touched floorboards.

How long can keep it a secret. Harder to hide her condition from the others.
She put her head in her hands.


Sakamakis and Mukamis sent familiar out to search for former sacrificial bride and eve Yui, only to get cold trail.

Damn, first bloods may be ancient race but good at hiding tracks.

Asami was still cooped up in guestroom for three days straight without eating or drinking.
They've tried persuading her to come out of bedroom, invite her her to join them for meals, only to receive silence. Tried leaving good outside the door but kept finding food untouched.

Its a crime to waste food. Can't stay cooped up in there forever and forever is a long time for a human.

Yuma was tempted to kick the door down and drag Her out by ankles out bedroom. Ruki talked him out of it.  Won't win them any favors.


They've teleported into bedroom to suck her blood. She didn't fight back. Ruki titled her chin to look at him.

Asami looked extremely exhausted with shadows under her eyes. Sleep deprived. Maybe she was worried about her sister she's forgetting to eat, and take care of herself.

Kou's eye flashed red at the girl. She blankly stared back without reaction.

Kou sensed she was hiding something from them and he intended to find out what it was.


Couldn't sleep in her own room, she stood outside bedroom door and knocked. Blond haired boy opened the door.
Neko-chan. What brings you here.

I can't sleep. Would it be okay of stay with you tonight.
Why not ruki-kun or two brothers.

"They're already asleep and didn't want to bother them."

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