3. Event Of The Night

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Phoenix POV

It's been 6 days since I started at the hospital and those 6 days I haven't been able to get Jacqueline out of my head, the moment I met her I was blown away by how beautiful she was, I already knew who she was to some degree as I've seen her in the newspaper, magazines and on television but I've never met her face to face.

I'm trying to stop myself from being fascinated by her but my mind and dïck have different ideas, whenever she is near or whenever I smell her perfume he stands to attention and it's driving me insane, I've never had this problem before, after my daughter Desire was born my sole purpose was her but now she is 17 and starting her own life and I'm alone.

Okay not completely alone I've still got my dad, mum, brother, sister and Desire but I haven't been with anyone since Desire was born and that's 17 years, your probably thinking what the hell and why well Desire was born and her mother up and left her at the hospital, I went to get a drink from the café and came back and Samantha was gone.

Granted we were young and we had only been together a few months and then she got pregnant but all through the pregnancy I was there for her and I thought she wanted Desire as much as I did but clearly not so I've been a single dad for 17 years and not been on any dates or been with anyone.

Did I love Samantha? I think so but I don't know if that was because she was the mother of Desire or generally because I loved her, truth is I've always wanted a love like my parents have and I just hope I can get it some day.

My whole family have been trying to get me to move on and find myself women but I don't just want any women, I want someone who is beautiful, caring, not only loves me but loves Desire and we have stuff in common. Do I secretly wish it could be Jacqueline? Yes I do but it's very doubtful it will happen.

Why would she be interested in a 35 year old man when she's 28 and beautiful, why would she be interested in me when I have a daughter, more importantly we both have our careers to worry about, to be honest the CEO of the hospital isn't bothered about relationships in the work place because his wife is a nurse but I'm not sure if Jacqueline has her own rules.

I don't know whether to try and talk to her and ask her if she wants to go on a date or just leave it and see where it goes. I'm in my office doing half a day because it's the event at the town hall tonight and I'm being nominated best new comer which is nice but also pointless as I don't need any awards.

The hospital is still staying open but other nurses, doctors and surgeons are doing the others work load, I'm not sure how many people are going to this event but I know myself, Jacqueline, Luna and Luna boyfriend Oliver are going as they managed to book tickets. There is a knock at my door and in walks Oliver.

Oliver:  Alright mate? It's lunch, coming down to the café or am I going and bringing it up here?

I smile at him, I've known Oliver for a while, we met at my old job he was a nurse there and I was a surgeon but it was only a small hospital and we both wanted to leave and go to a big and better hospital, he got the job here a year ago and when there was an opening he gave Jacqueline and the CEO my file.

We've both always dreamed about working at this hospital but we never thought it would actually happen, he's been such a good friend and I wouldn't change our friendship for the world.

Oliver: You okay mate?

Phoenix: Sorry yeah I'm okay, I'm just thinking.

He smirks.

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