2. Risky Procedure

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I've just walked into reception the next day and I see Penelope there smiling at me.

Penelope: Good run this morning?

I look down at my white sport outfit and smirk at her.

I look down at my white sport outfit and smirk at her

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Jacqueline: It was good.

Penelope: Ready for today?

Jacqueline: Yes and no, been practicing it for ages but it's actually happening and I'm concerned it won't work.

Penelope: It's hard, this procedure is life threatening but the lady wants it done.

Jacqueline: I know, it's so risky even thought it's been done to lots of people with heart disease but there is always a chance it won't work.

Penelope: I understand sweetheart but just remember she wants the stent put in and you've made her aware of the risks.

Jacqueline: She's so confident it will work, she has a lot of faith in me to pull it off and what's worse is I don't have faith in myself.

Penelope: Well you should Jac! You're an amazing doctor and surgeon, you've reset limbs, helped people with brain trauma, you've removed tumours that have saved people's lives and you've also taken parts of peoples skins and attached to other places to make new skin.

I smile at her.

Jacqueline: Your too kind.

Penelope: No I'm stating the truth, now go have a shower as you smell of sweat, then go to your office get your notes, prepare for the surgery and I will bring your tea in. Got it.

Jacqueline: Yes ma'am.

I walk off and around the corner towards the female shower room and I'm looking at my phone and hit into a body and start falling back but these strong arms wrap around my waist and hold me tight, I look up and I see the man I can't get out of my mind at the moment. He smiles at me shyly and gently lets me go.

Phoenix: Are you okay Jac?

Jacqueline: Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.

Phoenix: No worries, I'm just glad your not hurt.

Jacqueline: Thank you for saving me falling and also I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday.

Phoenix: No need to apologise, you had just done surgery on a little girl who reminded you of your daughter Maeve so it's bound to be hard on you.

I can't help but laugh.

Phoenix: What?

Jacqueline: Maeve is my niece and the guy you sure was Clayton my brother.

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