Cookie's house

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3rd person POV: 

The walk back to Cookies house was filled with sexual tension, his desires cut short at a one-way relationship as Elmo's heart just wasn't in the right place. 

Welcome to my house Elmo, Cookie gestured to the inside of his home, a weak smile appearing on Elmo's lips. "Why thank you, Cookie." 

"So, what should we do?" Cookie asked, in a weak attempt to settle the ever-growing tension in the room, his facial expressions failing his strong and composed facade. 

"Well, what would you like to do?" Elmo asked genuinely, until he caught Cookies expression, and while it only slipped for a moment, Elmo's spidey senses kicked in. 

"Cookie, a-are you alright?" Elmo asked, his voice hushed as the tension threatened to swallow him whole, like he blue monster infront of him did to cookies. 

"I- Elmo.." Cookie's expression was a mix of nervousness and childhood angst, his voice and strong facade cracking at the edges, much to Elmo's and worry. 

"Elmo I've known you for so long, and I- I can't hide it anymore.." The tension was almost unbearable, hugging their necks and slowly choking them out. 

"I love you Elmo." 

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