Discoveries of Some Sort

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I was in the Great Hall. There were people all around me though I couldn't make out their faces, but there was an air of dread hanging in the room as if everyone was waiting for something. Things were moving in a blur as I ran through the halls dodging spells and people fighting each other. Except those that people were fighting were all wearing dark robes and masks covering their entire faces. Every few paces someone would fall next to me and not get back up, but I didn't stop to look or worry. I had somewhere to be though I didn't know where.

I reached a corridor with a set of doors that I had never seen before, but I somehow recognized. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were with me and I was aware of us talking, but the words made no sense to me. Farther down the hall I could hear Fred, George and Percy. There was a flash of light and Percy said something, making Fred laugh loudly. Even in all of his chaos he could still laugh, my heart soared at the sound of it.

But he was cut off by the wall next to them exploding in a burst of light. I went flying across the corridor, hitting a wall and falling in a heap on the ground. Rising to my feet I seemed to be unharmed when the most painful cry I'd ever heard reached my ears. It was George, screaming out a name, voice so full of grief my heart twisted in my chest as it echoed in my head. I scrambled over the rubble of the wall towards the noise, needing to see if he was okay. If they were okay. I reached them only to see the worst sight possible. George was hunched over Fred, crying. Fred's eyes were open, unmoving. He was dead.

My eyes flew open and I found myself in my bed, the sunlight streaming through a window and the sounds of Hermione getting ready for the day. I sat up slowly, my heart still beating rapidly, the memory of the dream already fading from my mind but the awful feeling in my chest lingered.

"Oh you're finally up," Hermione glanced at me as she put a stack of books into her bag. "I was beginning to think I'd have to set our cat on you, she seems to be the only thing that can actually get you out of bed in the morning."

I chuckled weakly at her remark, still feeling uneasy but slowly calming down. I rolled out of bed, being careful not to disturb a sleeping Ella, as I rushed to get ready with Hermione waiting by the door for me. As we left for the Great Hall I asked, "So what are we doing today?" I was referring to the schedule she had written up for studying up till the days of our exams. She had wanted an easy-to-follow schedule and I was more than happy to spend time with her even if it was just to help ease her fears about failure.

Hermione rattled off the subjects she was going to go over during lunch and after classes. I hummed softly in response, smiling at her excitement for spending even more time in the library. The memory and my fear from the dream had slipped away and I was content to just forget about it all together.

We went on with our days like this; studying anywhere there was space, trying to get Harry and Ron to come with us any time we could, and me sometimes sneaking off in the evening to hang out with Fred and George both to pull a prank and to study for their exams. Harry was still worried about You-know-who and Snape and the stone, but I did my best to ignore him and his crazy ideas. One night when we were studying he asked me why I wasn't concerned at all and I told him that my parents trusted Dumbledore the first time so I'll trust him now to keep the stone and us safe. Harry seemed frustrated by my answer, but didn't ask me about it again.

Exam week came and went and the four of us ended up sitting next to the lake after our last exam, History of Magic. I was trying to draw the castle in my sketchbook, half listening to Hermione go over our exam papers and Ron telling her to just let us take a break. I was just starting the turrets of Gryffindor tower when I heard my name, more specifically my nickname being yelled.

"Blue, Blue! Blue look up!"

I raise my eyes from my drawing to see Fred, George, and Lee gently coaxing the tentacles of the giant squid to the edge of the lake where they were standing. I jumped up from my spot, cutting off Hermione saying, "I'm not sure..." with my own yell of "Woah cool!"

Eccentric // Fred Weasley [1]Where stories live. Discover now