Midnight Adventures

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The day after Christmas I'm woken up by some very loud whispering. Opening my eyes I find myself on one of the couches in the common room. Looking around, I saw Fred and George arguing about something across from me.

"Why don't we just leave her alone. You know how mad she'll be if she wakes up and finds out you pranked her." This was George.

"Because dear brother, the look on her face would be worth her anger," Fred said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. I did not want to know what Fred was planning so I spoke up before they could say anything else, "Okay you idiots, I'm up. Stop planning my demise." I sat up and stretched. George snickered at my response and walked over to me. Fred looked miffed about not getting to prank me but followed George over anyways.

"I don't know what you were trying to get George to go along with, but I agree with not doing it because I would get mad and then I would get you back." I said with a smirk. They looked scared at my threat so I turned quickly and flounced out of the room with a wide grin on my face. They know not to underestimate me. I skipped down to the Great Hall not bothering to change my clothes from yesterday that I slept in. It's not like anyone would care or notice for that matter. I sat down at the Gryffindor table right next to Harry just as he was telling Ron he'd left the common room last night with his invisibility cloak.

"I thought I heard someone going through the portrait hole!" I exclaimed grabbing some waffles greedily.

"Yeah that was me. At first I went to the restricted section but Filch cam and I had to leave . I ran into an empty classroom and round a magic mirror, " said Harry.

"We go to a magic school, everything here is magic, " I laughed.

Ron laughed too and Harry suppressed a grin. "I realize that Jackie but this was different. When I looked in that mirror I saw my family, it was amazing.

"You could have woken me up," Ron said.

"And me, I would have wanted to help look for Flamel in the library," I said.

"You can both come back tonight. I want to show you the mirror," Harry trailed off, staring at his reflection in a window.

"Sounds good to me. It's a shame you couldn't find anything on Flamel though," Ron said through a mouthful of sausages.

"Yeah." Harry stared at his plate.

I peered at his face, "Are you feeling okay? You seem a bit out of it."

"Huh." He looked up at me. "Oh, yeah I'm fine."

I squinted at him but decided to drop the subject as Fed and George sat down next to me, talking loudly. I spent the rest of the day with the twins running around the castle, dropping dung bombs and me occasionally tripping up the steps. That night though I stayed in the common room, telling them that I wanted to finish up some work. Finally, when I was the only one left in the room, Harry and Ron came down with the invisibility cloak. All three of us got under it and left the common room in search of the mirror.

Harry kept muttering to himself as we walked saying that 'we were almost there' or 'it's right down the next hall'. We'd been walking around for almost and hour when Harry pushed on yet another door and we shuffled in. I closed the door just as Harry let out a loud gasp and threw off the cloak. He rushed up to a large mirror staring at it hungrily. I followed slowly, Ron behind me. When we finally stood beside Harry, he was smiling widely and look at us expectedly.

"See," he whispered.

"I don't see anything. " Ron looked confused.

"Me neither," I said curiously, "I only see us."

Eccentric // Fred Weasley [1]Where stories live. Discover now