A Growing List of Problems

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The quidditch match was one of the shortest I'd ever seen. Harry caught the snitch in the first 5 minutes and in that short amount of time I got into a fight with Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. Ron actually started the fight, but then Neville joined in and there was no way I was letting him fight Crabbe and Goyle by himself. At first I had just been trying to get them off of Neville, but then Goyle hit me and of course I had to hit him back. It turned into a full-out fist fight and only ended when I pulled out my wand and threatened to curse them. 

After that they slunk back to the group of Slytherins in the stands with Malfoy sneering at us over his shoulder. I didn't really care though because I was cheering with my friends, smiling through a busted lip. When we got out of the stands I went with Hermione and Ron to meet the team outside of the locker rooms and congratulate them. However as soon as Fred and George came out they dragged me off with them so I couldn't wait for Harry with them.

I laughed as I walked with them, "Congratulations!" They both grinned down at me before stopping in their tracks. Their eyes widened as they got a closer look at my face. 

Fred grabbed my face and turned it to the side, trying to get a better look at my injury, "What in Merlin's name happened to you?!"

"I just got into a fight." I pushed him away and kept walking forward. 

"A fight that left you bloody and bruised." George pulled me back to them. They swung me around and I was met with their faces very close to mine. 

"I'm fine it's just a little cut." I ducked out from their arms and continued walking. They followed me, quickly catching up with their long legs. 

"And a black eye and bloody knuckles," Fred said. I shrugged. They groaned simultaneously in frustration.

"That's it." George grabbed my left arm.

"We're taking you to the hospital wing." Fred grabbed my right arm. And with that they lifted me off the ground and whisked me away to Madam Pomfrey.

As soon as we had gotten to the hospital wing Fred and George left me, saying they had to get ready for the celebratory party and for me to get back asap. And then I was alone. Madam Pomfrey fixed me up fast, a spell for my lip and a potion for the bruises, then sent me on my way telling me to be more careful. Now I was heading back to the common room examining my injury-free knuckles.

I've always been fascinated with healing magic, as it was performed on me many times when I was younger. I used to like jumping off high places though I wasn't always very good at they landings, which resulted in many injuries. I didn't do it as much now but I still loved heights. 

"Ehm." I looked up to find myself in front of the Fat Lady already. "Password?"

"Pig snout," I said. She nodded at me and swung inward. Suddenly I was greeted with loud cheering and voices. The party seemed to be in full swing. I noticed that Fred and George had nicked food from the kitchens, so I now knew where they had run off to in such a hurry. As soon as I stepped inside I was yanked into the middle of the room by Fred. It seemed that he, George , Lee and a few others were playing a game of exploding snap.

"Good to see you're looking better," Fred grinned. 

"Yeah, you can't even tell I was in a fight," I said holding up my clean hands with a grin. He just shock his head and laughed. 

"Do you want to join in the next game?" He gestured to the exploding snap. 

I shook my head, "No, I want to congratulate Harry now since someone dragged me away before I could." Fred just grinned sheepishly. I just laughed and went off in search of Harry. I thought I'd seen him in a corner near the high window so I wandered off in that direction. I found Harry, Hermione, and Ron huddled together at a table as usual. 

Eccentric // Fred Weasley [1]Where stories live. Discover now