Christmas at Hogwarts

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Christmas was a big deal at Hogwarts. The Great Hall was decked out in mistletoe and holly; sparkling with 12 ginormous Christmas trees. I was reading by the fire in the strangely quiet common after Hermione had left, when Fred and George trudged through the portrait hole. Fred collapsed on a couch, followed by George, "Where is everyone?"

"Well a lot of people just left for the holiday's ad everyone else is probably in the Great Hall considering that it's dinner time." I closed my book. "Where were you two?"

"Detention," Fred said.

"Quirrell let Filch decide our punishment, so we ended up having to clean the bathrooms on the 7th floor," George explained

"Without magic," Fred said dramatically.

I laughed, "Well I realize you two are tired, but if you want dinner we'd better get going."

They both sighed simultaneously, then stood. "Piggy-back ride?" Fred offered.

I shrugged and grinned, "Why not."

Most of my time before Christmas was spent pranking people with Fred and George and watching Ron and Harry play chess. Once they asked me if I wanted to play, but I turned them down saying I was rubbish at chess. Harry didn't seem to believe me and made me play him. My point was proven when he crushed men even though his pieces kept telling him to move them somewhere else. I did try to keep looking for Flamel, but with Fred and George dragging me away every two minutes and not being able to get Harry of Ron to help me, I didn't seem to be getting anywhere.

Christmas Eve was quiet. I passed the time roasting marshmallows over the fire with Fred and George. At one point I caught Fred staring at me. When I gave him a quizzical look he just leaned over and whispered something to George. Whatever he said, George merely shrugged and continued to cook his marshmallow. The night went on without mention of this. We joked, and set fire to more than a few marshmallows. Harry and Ron joined us for a bit before we all said our good nights and went up to bed, excited for tomorrow.

I awoke early the next day, too excited to sleep long. Jumping out of bed, I squealed loudly at the pile of presents not having to worry about waking anyone up because I was the only one in the room.

Christmas was my favorite holiday. All of the love and presents gave it a feeling unlike any other time of the year. After Harley left Hogwarts he rarely visited us in America, only ever coming home for Christmas and birthday's. I know I won't be seeing my family this year, but I had my friends and they were just as good.

Also the snow. The snow! I loved the snow more than anything else. The soft way snowflakes fell of the way they danced and swirled during a blizzard. An the way they covered everything in a layer of white; sparkling in the sun. It was beautiful to me. I just loved everything about it. That was why I was so happy; there was a fresh layer of snow and a pile of presents for me to enjoy.

I ripped into my presents, squealing at each one. I got an assortment of muggle candies from Hermione, a Schmidt's Fine Broom Makers brand sweater from Harley, a color changing scarf from Mom, Damian, and Cecelia, and a journal from Fred and George. The first page had 'Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes' scrawled across it. Smiling, I picked up my presents and noticed there seemed to be something wrapped in the sweater. Knitting my brows together, I unwrapped it slowly and pulled out a picture frame with Ella and me on it.

We couldn't have been older than six; we were outside holding hands and I had a smudge of dirt on my face. Letting out a sob, I hugged the frame to my chest. "Merry Christmas Ella, I miss you," I whispered. Wiping my eyes, I set the frame on my nightstand next to the music box.

As I picked up the wrapping paper I saw I had missed a present. A rather large, lumpy package with a note on top, "Merry Christmas Jackie, Love Molly Weasley!" Unsure of what it could be I unwrapped it carefully and pulled out a large blue sweater with a white snowflake on front.

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