Back in Diagon Alley

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I looked at my room on last time, at the bare walls and empty closet. This place had been my refuge for three years and now I was going back to the place I had been trying to escape. "Don't worry Ella," I whispered, " I'm coming home."
My hand went to the key around my neck. It had faded to a grayish-brown color but it still reminded me of her. In my mind it was more valuable than anything else I owned.

I turned around and slowly walked down the stairs to meet the rest of my family in the front hall. We'd already sent most of our stuff ahead of us, there was only a few small things that we each had, which is what we were carrying with us.

"Hurry up Jackie we're already late," mom said taking Damian hand. We were apparating since Cecelia was of age. Cissy took my hand and turned on the spot and the feeling of being squeezed through a tube came. Then just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore it was gone and I was standing in the familiar area of "the family business" as mom called it.

There were the shelves that reached the ceiling, filled with the strangest assortment of objects anyone has ever seen. Potions of every sort, old spell books, cauldrons, and every enchanted object you could think of all in perfect condition due to whatever spell mom put on it. It truly fit the "odds and ends" part of the name. There was no other store like it and we were proud of that.

Mom walked to the back of the store, in between two shelves and reached the door that led to the flat above it. Before now it was just used as a storage area, mom had told us, so there might be some extra boxes lying around. I found out that there were multiple boxes lying around the hard way as I walked up the stairs tripping at least four times. We had gotten here at night so when we finally got out of the stairwell we couldn't see a thing. Mom groped around for a light switch and found one on the opposite wall. We then figured out we were in the kitchen which had many unpacked boxes stuffed in corners and on the island. I thought it was very cozy.

"Why don't you three go put your bags in your rooms," she said then saw our questioning looks and finished with, "your names are on the doors." Then she waved her wand and started to cook dinner.

I turned and walked down the hall with Cecelia and Damian at my heels. my room was at the very end of the hall across from the bathroom. I opened the door to find all of my furniture in place (thank you mom) and I had a window seat that looked out into Diagon Alley. The walls were bare but I would fix that as I unpacked. I sat down on my bed and shrugged off my bag. For a while I just sat there taking everything in before I opened my purple bag and pulled out the silver music box then set it on the dresser.

I smile and pat the box then turn and walk to the corner were the rest of my unpacked stuff was. O had just finished unpacking my clothes when I heard a crash down the hall and a "Sorry!" from Damian.

I chuckled. He's definitely not as clumsy as me but he drops stuff easily.

"Dinner," mom calls out just as I finish unpacking my books. I walk to the door before turning and taking a look around. I let a smile creep onto my face before I turn back and walk down the hall.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CANT GO INTO DIAGON ALLEY?!" Ah yes, the lovely sound of Cecelia's screeching to wake me up in the morning. "I said you couldn't go alone," mom answered calmly. "That's so unfair!" Cecelia whined before I heard her stomp to her room.

I groaned before throwing off my covers and sitting up. The morning sun streamed through my window and covered my room in spots. My vision was fuzzy for a moment before adjusting quickly. I slid out of bed and did a bridge to stretch myself. I laid there on the ground for a couple of minutes before the smell of sausage hit my nose; suddenly I was up and running to the kitchen, tripping over the boxes in the hallway before skidding into the table, hitting my stomach. I may have been winded but I wasn't down as I struggled to grab the back of my chair and clutch my stomach at the same time. Eventually I made it on to the stool listening to my mom laughing at my struggle.

Eccentric // Fred Weasley [1]Where stories live. Discover now