#5 - Mother's Day

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Nate - You woke up to the smell of bacon wafting through the room, and opened your eyes to find your daughter Kaylee proudly holding out a plate of eggs and bacon out to you, with Nate, your husband to-be standing behind her, grinning.

"Good morning, beautiful," Nate smiled, making his way over to you and stroking your hair.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mummy!" Kaylee shouted excitedly, a big grin spread across her face.

"Thankyou," you smiled, taking the plate from your daughter as she handed it to you.

"We're going out today - cinema and shopping, then a meal tonight. Sound good?" Nate asked, and you smiled and nodded in reply, enjoying your breakfast.

Drew - You were getting seriously annoyed now.

"Ugh!" You cried, throwing your brush down onto the floor in anger. You were going out with your Mum, your boyfriend Drew and his Mum for a meal for Mother's Day, and no matter how hard you tried, your hair just wouldn't go right.

"What's up princess?" Drew asked, stepping into the room. You'd spent the weekend at Drew's celebrating his Birthday, and this would be the first time you'd seen your Mum all weekend, and you wanted to look perfect.

"My hair is doing my head in," you sighed, giving him a quick hug.

"You look lovely, baby girl," Drew smiled, blushing.

"Thankyou," you smiled shyly. "You too."

Levi - You woke up to find your husband Levi still wasn't home. He'd been out all last night at a party for his friend's Birthday, and had promised he'd be home in time for you to wake up on Mother's Day. You sighed in disappointment, then got up and went to see to your son Luke.

"Happy Mother's Day Mummy!" Luke smiled happily as you entered his room.

"Thankyou, sweetie," you smiled at him.

"Where's Daddy?" Luke questioned, looking around in confusion.

"I don't know, baby. He'll be home soon," you replied, picking your son up and carrying him down the stairs. You opened the door to the living room to find piles of presents awaiting you.

"Happy Mother's Day," Levi smiled, appearing from the kitchen.

"Levi..." You gasped, placing your son carefully onto the carpeted floor. Levi came over to you and smiled.

"I wasn't at a party last night... I was out spoiling my girl and buying her all this." He smiled, kissing your cheek. You heard a ping.

"Breakfast's ready," he said, smiling as he exited the room, leaving you standing with a grin across your face.

Austin - You opened your eyes slowly, to find your husband Austin staring back at you.

"Morning," he smiled sweetly. "Feeling any better?"

"Not really," you sighed admittedly. You'd been unwell all this week, and today was Mother's Day and you just weren't feeling it.

"Happy Mother's Day Mummy!" Your son Dannie shouted, sprinting into your room, closely followed by his younger sister Chelsea.

"Dannie! I wanted to say it!" Chelsea cried, suddenly bursting into tears as she entered the room.

"Shh, you two. Mummy's not feeling very well today, so me and you two are gonna go and make her some breakfast, bring her presents up to her then leave her to rest, okay?" Austin muttered quietly as not to disturb you. He lifted your children up onto the bed as they both grinned happily, then Austin left a kiss on your forehead as you watched your three sunshines exit the room.

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