Nate imagine for Maxene

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I woke up to four buzzes from my phone
- Good morning beautiful. ♡
- Maxie? Are you awake?
- We have our date in an hour and a half. Don't make me come and tickle you!
- Okay. You asked for it.

I smiled down at the texts from my beloved boyfriend of three years, Nate. Three years today, let me confirm. However he is the King of tickling, so... I knew I should probably get up.
I hurriedly got up out of bed and ran in to the bathroom, where I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and applied a little makeup. I then re-entered my room and pulled on some ripped jeans and my Tide top, before heading downstairs to eat some breakfast.
I had just finished collecting my money up when I heard the doorbell ring. I hurried excitably over to it, where my boyfriend greeted me with a grin.
"Aw, what? You're awake? I was genuinely looking forward to tickling you." I playfully tapped his head before scooping up my money and leaving the house, hand in hand with Nate.


"I'll order the drinks, Maxie. What'd you want?"
"Are you sure? Just a hot chocolate please, Nate," I smiled as Nate nodded and went to order our drinks. I went and found the table that me and Nate always sat at; the little hidden away one right in the corner. I took a seat and stared out of the window, waiting for my boyfriend.
"Here you are, beautiful." Nate smiled, snapping me out of my daze.
"Thankyou," I replied with a smile, getting my money out for him.
"No, no - today's on me. Where do you wanna go after? Cinema? Dinner?"
"Hmm. Cinema?" I suggested with a small shrug.
"Sure. Anything for you,"


We left Starbucks hand in hand, my head resting upon Nate's shoulder as we walked together in the warm sun rays.
"Nate? Nate!" I heard a girly voice and automatically turned around to see who it was. At first, I thought it was a fan, and so I smiled, ready to greet them - but my expression soon dropped.
"Oh, hey Ella!" Nate smiled at the girl bounding towards us.
Ella was Nate's ex, and, in my opinion, was still obsessed with him. She shot me an evil glare before returning her focus to Nate.
"How's it going?" Nate asked, placing his arm around my shoulder.
"Good. I see you two are still together."
"You bet. Three years today, in fact." Nate replied proudly, giving me a kiss on my forehead.
"Cute. I recently got a boyfriend. His name's - Brooke!" A tall, brown haired boy appeared behind Ella, and glared at Nate. "This is Nate, my obsessed ex. He just won't leave me alone, Brooke!" Ella began to wail, and I could see Brooke's expression becoming increasingly tensed.
Suddenly, he leapt at Nate, who was in shock - we all were. Brooke had pushed Nate to the floor and was continuously hitting him.
"Nate!" I screamed, pulling at Brooke to get off - but he pushed me back.
In a split second, Nate pushed Brooke up with force and threw him to the floor. He ran to me, picking me up and pressing his lips to my forehead, his own bruised and bloody.
"Don't you ever touch my girlfriend again." Nate threatened, before turned away with me and taking me home.

I'm so sorry about how crappy this was and how long it took! This is the first free night I've had in a while.
Does anyone have any preference ideas? I'm really struggling, and comments and suggestions would be much appreciated :)
~ Chloe x

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