Chapter 5

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Ashton's Pov

I was currently walking out of class when with Troye, we were talking about something but I had zoned out of the conversation we were in. I just kept nodding my head and mumbling yeah and okay's to him. I could really care less what he was saying because I was focused on something else at the moment. 

"So your going to her party?" I hear Troye say, I put my attention back on him and this time Niall was with us, when did he get here?

"Who's party?" I ask curiously 

"Acacia's party, weren't you listening?" Troye asks turning to look at me, I sheepishly shake my head. "Well Acacia is having this party and she invited us, well that's what Niall said I find it hard to believe" 

"We are invited, I mean c'mon Tyler's going so is Liam and even Luke."

"Luke's going to it as well?" I was kind of taken back by it "I thought he didn't like her?" 

"I guess he couldn't pass up an opportunity" he says while shruggin his shoulders but then soon got a little more happy and hyper. He was like a little kid on a sugar rush or something. 

"I can't believe were going to a party same as Liam" he says squealing 

"Calm down Niall, its not even going to be good if Acacia is hosting it" Troye says 

"Yeah I guess your right, but still! Liam is going to be there and I might get my chance to talk to him and everything" 

"And maybe who know's Ashton might hook up with Luke" Troye nudges me, I just blush. Who knows maybe we will? I mean that would be awesome I guess. 

"Shut up," I tell him "When is this stupid party anyways?" 

"In about few days," I just nod my head, the three of us walk down the hallway when we seen Luke and Acacia walk out the bathroom, they were half way down the hallway and I froze while Troye and Niall kept walking. They didn't see them walk out together, I just turned around and walked a different direction, leaving Troye and Niall behind. 

I couldn't believe what I just saw, Acacia and Luke. Well I guess it makes sense, he is a bad boy and she is the school's slut so, makes perfect sense. I was seriously not going to that little slut's party at all. I don't care if Troye and Niall were going to convince of going, I wasn't going to go. Their probably going together as couple to tell everyone there together now. 

I soon went upstairs to my next class, once I was in the hallway I made it through the sea of people to my next class. I kept bumping into people and mumbling apologize's to them, I was almost of the sea of people when the last person I bumped into grabbed my wrist. I spun around and looked at who grabbed me. 

It was Luke, I rolled my eyes at him and yanked my hand back away from him. I was disgusted with him. 

"What? No sorry for bumping into me" 

"I'm sorry" I say through gritted teeth 

"Oh sounds like someone has an attitude problem" he smirks

"I don't have an attitude problem" 

"Then whats with you being mad then huh?" 

"I'm just not in a good mood at the moment" 

"Well that's not my damn problem, get out of that mood of your's" 

"Go fuck yourself Hemmings, oh wait you got Acacia for that" I say with anger in my voice, Luke looked taken back by what I had just said and so have I. I was just so disgusted with him at this moment but I just couldn't believe I had just said that. 

"What did you just say?" he asked curiously and a little hurt in his voice. I might have mistaken that for hurt, like that word could hurt the school's bad boy 

"You heard me, I said fuck yourself Hemmings" I say with more proudness in my voice. Luke looks at me for a moment, he was messing with his lip ring. 

"You know, you should swear more often." He gives me a wink and blush, I'm trying to tell him off and he makes me like this in a matter of seconds. I look down at the ground avoiding eye contact with him then I glance back up at him. 

I roll my eyes at him "Whatever I gotta go to class" I start to walk away from him 

"But seriously though you should!" he yells to me, I roll my eyes at him, the one time I swear in front of him he finds it amusing. 

I managed to get to class on time before the late bell rings and think about what just happened. I don't get how he found me swearing amusing, and the fact he didn't say anything about the whole Acacia thing either. I guess he didn't hear that part or he just didn't know what I was talking about. Well whatever, he isn't my problem at that moment. I'm just going to ignore him for the past few days, well I'm going to try to do that. 

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