Chapter 2

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Okay so I have been thinking and I think at the end of chapter five I'm gonna do a character ask also if you want you can message me and ask me some stuff okay okay btw this is gonna be a shortish long chapter ok.....

Ashton's pov:

Why am I getting so worked up about the blue eyed boy I just met him not even a week ago do I like him do I want him to want me what's going on and why was I upset when his friend put an arm around his shoulder why?why?why?.

"Mr. Irwin why aren't you paying attention" my teacher Mr. Malik asked me

"Oh um I was just thinking I'm sorry sir"

"Well sorry is not gonna cut it Mr. Irwin"

"But Mr. Malik I was jus--" I was

cut off my mr. malik saying "--No ashton this is your second time this week you have detention and I will be calling your father"

"Please Mr. Malik please don't call my dad I will do anything"

"Fine Ashton but but this is your last chance your luky your a good kid"

And that's exactly it. I'm good I hate being the good kid and that's probably why I like Luke because maybe he can make me less of a good boy

"Yes sir."


"Ashton! Ashton wait up! ashyyy ash" said the voice of my best friend Niall horan "hey ash didn't you hear me calling you?" he asked while trying to breathe.

"No ni sorry" I really did but he didn't have to know that.

"Oh well I you got in trouble by mr. malik in class" he said surprised "well hehe I did but is all cool now" I said with a grin.

"Well why did you get in trouble?" he pressed on wanting more information from me "well I was thinking about that Luke guy again and what he said it's been on my mind lately".

"Oh well sorry bro but do you know that guy Liam?" he questioned "well yeah kinda he's friends with Luke and that Asian kid"

"Well yeah I like him"

"Oh.well have you guys ener talked?"

"Well no but one day we will"

"Oh okay well let's get to cla--" I was cut off by one of my best friends "--hey ash hey ni" "TROYE!!!!!!" we both shouted while engulfing him a bear hug

"So where have you been troye?" I asked curiosity filling my mind.

"Oh sorry guys I forgot to tell you...well I've been hanging out with Tyler Oakley you guys know him?" we both nodded as he finished "well we have been hanging out and were" troye said grinning.

"Dating!?!? you and Tyler Oakley the Tyler Oakley? the most popular and hottest boy in school?!?" our Irish friend shouted.

"Well yeah we are but it's not a big deal ni" troye said calmly "Not a big deal? troye it's a huge deal!!!" Niall argued back. My friends continued arguing until I cut them off by saying "will you guys shut the fuck up!!!" I cursed "Ashy! no your an innocent good boy your not supposed to swear!" troye said surprised.

"Well sorry but you guys were annoying me and stop calling me a good boy" I said sternly but then I heard somebody say something to me and it wasn't my friends "Baby you are innocent but whenever I fuck you and make you scream my name every time my dicks pounding in your sweet ass all of your innocence will be gone" said the boy with beautiful blue eyes behind me

"Um hi Luke" I said nervously

"Hey babe" Luke said smirking

"Why are you --" I was cut off by one of my friends thank god

"--Ash lets get to class bye Luke" Niall said while pulling me away

"Um okay bye luke!!" I said while being dragged away Luke looked angry

I waited until we were out of sight to yell at my friend "what the fuck was that Niall?!?!" I shouted at him he looked a bit taken back at my outburst "it was nothing ash I just didn't want to be late to class" Niall retorted

"Hey! both of you stop it!!" troye said while panting I almost forgot he was behind us.

"Sorry" me and Niall said at the same time. "yeah yeah whatever let's just get to class before we are later than we already are" troye said and we headed off to class.


Okay so that was chapter two I hope you guys liked it and yes I know I'm late but at least you got it but um I hoped you liked it and yes I put youtubers and one direction in it oh well cry me a river build a bridge and get over it

Okay soo that's all message me or whatever but please vote and comment please if you do I will love you forever

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