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"𝓝𝓸 𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂"

This was it. Archer's first mission with the Avengers. And he was ready. He sat up straight as Captain Rogers briefed them. Last year they had forgotten about a HYDRA base, supposedly even more weaponized and dangerous than the one the Maximoff's came from. Colonel Rhodes was out of town, so they were short a man and that gave them the disadvantage. Archer listened closely to the directions and made sure he knew exactly how this mission was supposed to go. The Captain went over the plan a few times before passing each of them an earpiece and sending them to get 'geared up'. Archer was about to get up and get ready like everyone else when Natasha stopped him with a smirk.

"Where you going, Ivanov? You know where our weaponry is?"

"I, well I just kind of assumed I 'd be using the weaponry downstairs," He chuckled nervously.

"Relax, I'm teasing. Follow me," Archer followed her down the hallway to a door, which she used her key card to open, and gasped as they walked in. It was ten times the size of his old one, with cases of black suits on the left wall. Every other surface was filled with guns, launchers and all sorts of other weapons and gadgets. "Alright, you'll need a suit, utility belt, boots and gloves from that wall," She pointed to his left. "And then anything you need from there is up to you. Make sure you're ready for everything."

Archer quickly got to work 'suiting up' as they called it, changing into the suit laid out for him and loading up his belt with pistols and ammunition. He hooked a grapple to his boot, hiding a smaller pistol inside. Then he picked a machine gun form the wall and attached the scope he wanted. Before he left he grabbed a few knives and stuck them in his gloves, belt and free boot. 

"You ready?" Barton called from the hall.

"Hell yeah, I'm ready." And he was.


The jet was quiet. Too quiet. Were they nervous? Archer looked around at them, they all seemed to be cleaning their weapons, or checking ammo, or even piloting the thing. He did a double take when he saw Wanda staring at him. She stood and moved to sit beside him.

"Are you nervous?" She asked, her accent somehow calming him. Perhaps it was because it sounded almost the same as his own.

"A little, but I'm mostly excited. Haven't been on a mission in ages. I'm just itching to kick some ass." She let out a light laugh. 

"So you enjoy fighting?"

"Very much. Don't you?"

"I don't fight often," She explained. "My main job on this team is to protect them from enemy fire, and occasionally blow up a building," She smiled.

"I can trust that you'll have my back then?"

"Of course," She was smiling, but her eyes were scared. 

"Hey, you don't have to be afraid-"

"It's not fear you see, Ivanov," She said, her melodic voice cutting him off. "It's apprehension. HYDRA is the one that did this to me. And now I'm going back, risking the life of my brother and my own, and it's only to take bullets for everyone else."

"Does it hurt you?"

"Sometimes. My most powerful weapon is my mind, and if I'm not concentrating I could get seriously hurt. These people rely on me to keep them out of harms way, but if my mind falters for just a moment, those bullets don't hit my magic, they hit my mind."

"Wow..." She nodded.

"We're coming close to the destination, if you don't mind, I'll take my leave. I need to get back to meditating." She smiled once more before retreating back to her seat. Pietro gave her a questioning look, no doubt wondering where she went, but she just shook her head at him and closed her eyes.

It wasn't long before Archer felt them land. Everyone jumped to their feet as they listened to the Captain go over the plan again, and give them a hero speech. When he was finished, the backdrop opened and Stark's mask slammed down over his face.

"Let's Rock and Roll, people!" He shouted, flying out.


The mission was easy enough. Archer got inside the base easily and was met with what looked like an army spraying bullets in his direction. He ducked, but then noticed a curtain of red in front of him. He looked back to see Wanda holding it up with one hand and lifting a bolder with the other. She turned and threw the rock at a group of enemy soldiers, barely even looking in his direction. Hearing gunshots, he snapped his gaze away from her and to the many men in front of him, who were still firing. He took a shot at the red wall between them, expecting the bullet to fall to the ground like theirs but it didn't. Archer really couldn't stop the grin that took over his face. How could she be doing this? He could shoot them but they couldn't shoot him! That was amazing.

"Ivanov!" Romanoff's voice sounded in his ears. "I'm at the control room where the hell are you?"

"Coming!" Archer raised my gun, taking only a moment to aim and effectively ended the lives of the men firing at me. The shield dropped and he turned to look at Wanda again, but she was gone.

"Holy shit, Archer," Clint was running to him, looking at the bodies covering the floor. "You coulda just knocked 'em out"

"I'm an assassin, Barton" Archer responded, running to the control room. "No mercy"


Hey guys! I SUCK at fight scenes and missions, so I hope this isn't too bad.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


Changing Reality - W. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now