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The ground fell beneath her feet, and she flew into the air. She watched as the lifeless body of the murderer fell lower and lower. She closed her eyes, willing it to be painless. Not to say that she didn't want it to happen, she did. She wanted it all to end. The pain, the suffering, the vision of her brother's lifeless body laying on the last remnants of her birthplace. A dozen bullets lodged into his flesh. And she wasn't even there. She couldn't have saved him. The worst part was, this - this disaster - was all her fault.

"You didn't see that coming?"

"If you stay here, you'll die"

"If you step out that door, you are an Avenger" 

"Wanda!" She bolted upright, eyes darting around frantically. A pair of hands grabbed hers, pulling her back to reality. She blinked, allowing her body to relax when she saw her brother's face in front of her.

"It's over," He said softly, wrapping his arms around her. "It's gone."

"I know," She said shakily, hugging him tightly. "I know."

"I don't believe you."

"It's over." She repeated.

"It is. You don't have to think about it anymore."

"I know,"

"Then why do you?" She sighed, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know."


Archer Ivanov has been working with SHIELD since he graduated from high school. His mother had been an agent, and he was accepted as soon as he applied. A few years later, he was the best agent on the team. He worked hard to live up to his family name; his mother had been working with the Avengers when she died, making her the best agent by far.

All of the agents in his team were waiting until he was invited to work with the Earth's Defenders, knowing full well he would be. So when the Director called him to his office, they all cheered before he left the room. He just rolled his eyes, walking down the hallway the Director's office, hoping they were right.

"Agent Ivanov," Director Fury greeted as Archer sat down in front of him.


"You know why you're here, yes?"

"I know why other people think I'm here, sir, and I'm not sure it's the same thing."

"I assure you, son, it is." He couldn't help the smile that took over his face. "Your mother would be so very proud of you." He added softly.

"Thank you, sir. I give you my word you won't regret it." He said, voice determined.

"Oh, I believe you. You've broken almost every one of her records, making you the best to have lived so far. You'll be a valuable asset to the team." He nodded, taking a deep breath. "You'll be moving in to the Avengers living quarters this afternoon, all your belongings will be moved within the hour, so feel free to head up whenever you're ready."

"Thank you, sir."

"My pleasure, soldier."


Changing Reality - W. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now