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"𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓫𝓮 𝓪𝓯𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓭"

With Archer off to the control room, Wanda walked through the halls with her arms extended. Archer and Romanoff were shutting down the turrets outside, while her and Pietro cleared the building. She felt a presence behind her and whirled around, too late it seemed as the man behind her was already raising his gun. She disarmed him with a wave of her hand, and they stood across from each other, just staring.

"Witch," He spat. "I'm not afraid of you." 

"You will be," She answered. He lunged at her, knocking her off her feet. As she struggled to catch  breath I realized he was already on top of her, hands on her throat. 

"Not afraid, not afraid, not afraid," The man whispered over and over. Wanda's eyes flashed crimson.

"You should be afraid," She choked out, throwing magic into his head. His eyes turned like hers, and his grip loosened. He looked around, swatting at nothing. Wanda coughed, rolling onto her side to regain her breath when his hands left her throat. She rolled out from underneath him, kicking out his legs from beneath him. She breathed heavily as she watched him writhe on the ground. 

"You alright?" Wanda turned to see her brother panting behind her. She nodded, looking back at the man one last time. "Everything is clear, we need to head back to the jet." He scooped her up into his arms and they were gone in a flash.


"Dude that was so cool!"

"I know! And when she just flipped that guy right over the-" 

Wanda tuned all the chattering out. The team was gathered in the common room, celebrating their victory. Stark had opened a very expensive bottle of champagne and got out the crystal champagne glasses to celebrate Archer's first successful mission as an Avenger. It was amazing, the fact that they rarely failed missions yet were so excited when they completed one. 

"I would like to make a toast," Clint announced, raising his glass. "To another job well done, and to Agent Ivanov, a valuable asset to this team" Wanda smiled and raised her glass with the others.

"To Agent Ivanov," They chorused.

"Well, not that this isn't fun, but I'm late for the sunset," Wanda said, leaving practically unnoticed.  The sun was on the horizon, emitting orange rays that instantly soothed away any lingering worries. 

"It's my favorite when the sky turns pink," Wanda said softly when she felt a presence behind her.

"So in the fall?" Archer's voice was quiet. She was beginning to get accustomed to him joining her on the balcony.

"Pretty much," She breathed a laugh. Comfortable silent fell, and they both just stared at the falling sun.

"You did amazing today," He whispered. 

"I was very impressed with your combat skills as well,"

"No, but you did amazing," Wanda chuckled, but he went on. "I mean could've been dead in a second but you had the beautiful red curtain that was just shimmering and it was so powerful it stopped every single bullet. And you weren't even looking! It looked so effortless, and, and the way I was able to shoot through it but they couldn't? It was just amazing!" Wanda couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. 

"Well, it certainly wasn't effortless. I'm glad you realized we were in the middle of something or I would've screamed at you for taking so long to just stand there." He laughed with her.

"Sorry, I just, I can't get over how beautiful it was. I mean, the fact that something so beautiful is so powerful and even deadly, I just can't get over the wonder that is you," Wanda's breath hitched. He had moved closer and closer during his speech and was just inches away from her yet again.

"You really think it's beautiful?" She breathed.

"Almost as beautiful as you," Wanda could feel her walls breaking. She always tried so hard to keep everyone away from her, to keep her distance. To stay safe by not letting anyone in. Archer had broken her steely exterior in a week. It almost made her feel weak.

"You're quite the charmer, Ivanov" Wanda breathed a laugh, taking a step back. She resisted the urge to shake her head, to shake him off her mind. 


There was light flashing everywhere. Wanda tried to look away but it was everywhere. Surrounding her.

"Pietro?" She called. But he was nowhere. Nobody was. It was just her and the light. Stones began raining down on her and she covered her head with her arms. A loud chime sounded and she opened she eyes to see a familiar gem on the ground.

Wanda quickly sat up, looking around frantically. She was at the compound. She was home. Or at least as much of a home she was ever going to get.

"Wanda," She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Pietro sitting on the bed next to her. "What is it?" She just shook her head at him and reached for her journal on the bedside table. 

Whenever she dreamt she put it all in her journal in case she could ever connect it with reality. Her dreams had a habit of predicting. Not the future, but more like things that were happening in the present that she never would have realized. She turned to a blank page and started sketching. It was silent for a few minutes and she scribbled furiously. When she finished she threw the book down on the bed and laid back, trying to catch her breath. Pietro picked it up and looked at the page, eyebrows knitted together.

"Vision's stone?" He asked.

"No no, it's not Vision's mind stone." Wanda groaned, putting a hand on my head. She always had a hard time distinguishing one reality from another. It took a toll. "It's something else."

"How do you know?" She sat up, frowning at him.

"It was green..."


Hey guys! Dun dun dunnnnn, right? I am loving this story, I know not a lot of other people are, but it's gonna get good, I promise.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


Changing Reality - W. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now