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"𝓗𝓮'𝓼 𝓯𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓱𝓮'𝓼 𝔀𝓮𝓲𝓻𝓭"

"Archer," Marie's singsong voice made him smile. She was standing in the doorway of the computer lab, a wide smile on her lips. Her long brown hair fell around her shoulders in its signature waves and the black jumper she was wearing made her hazel eyes seem bright. "I heard, you were accepted into the Avenger Initiative." 

"Huh, where'd you hear that?" He smirked as she hit his arm playfully.

"What did I tell you?" She asked, sitting up on the table in front of him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," He turned back to the computer, trying to hide his smile. She laughed.

"You were the only person who didn't think you were being promoted."

"I don't know, Lohan seemed pretty doubtful."

"Yeah, but Lohan's nothing but a jealous bastard." He chuckled. "What are you doing?"

"Reading files."

"Obviously," She turned the monitor towards her and raised her eyebrows. "Are you serious?"

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You've met them countless times!" 

"The Avengers are constantly changing. Reading the files again won't hurt anyone." He said defensively. "For instance, these twins. Since when are they Avengers? I've never heard of them in my life."

"You've never heard of the twins?" Marie exclaimed. "Where have you been, Ivanov?"

"Not everyone spends as much time with the Avengers as you do, Rylee." 

"Even so, nobody has stopped talking about them since they got here."

"Which was when?"

"Around the same time Rhodes, Wilson, and the android joined."

"Huh," He looked back to the files. "Wanda and Pietro Maximoff?"

"They're great. Contrary to popular belief."

"No one likes them?"

"They have insane danger levels, Archer. Everyone's afraid of them. You have no reason to be, though. It upsets Wanda."

"What makes them any more dangerous than the rest of the team?"

"They were experimented on by HYDRA. They have, like, powers."

"What kind of powers?" He asked suspiciously.

"Technical terms or dumb person terms?"

"Dumb person terms."

"He's fast and she's weird." She grinned. "Wanda has like, all sorts of magic and mind games and Pietro just has super speed."

"Oh," He breathed out. "Fun."

"Oh, it is! They're great" She said again, grinning.

"Then I suppose you don't mind taking me up there?" He said with a smirk. She jumped up and linked her arm with his, leading him towards the elevators.


"Ivanov, Rylee" Agent Romanoff greeted. "Everyone's downstairs training, but the twins are in the living room to keep you company." Archer nodded as she walked in the other direction, probably going to the gym. Marie pulled him down the hallway to the living room and pushed him down on the couch.

"I think the dress looks better on you than it does on me," He looked up to see two people sitting on the couch across from them. 

The girl had addressed Marie in a strange accent Archer didn't recognize. It sort of sounded like his own, only it wasn't Russian. She had long, wavy brown hair, looking almost exactly like Marie's, only a few shades lighter. She wore a red dress with a black leather jacket, her bright green eyes shining. For twins, they didn't look anything alike. The boy was almost a whole head taller, with silver hair and sharp blue eyes.

"You've only ever seen yourself in it once," Marie pointed out. "This is Archer, he's moving in today." Archer held out my hand, and she shook it, looking a little wary.

"Wanda," She said with a smile. He went to shake the boy's hand but he had left. "Sorry, he wasn't feeling well."

"What's wrong?" Marie asked.

"Not sure, he didn't sleep much last night." Her expression had gone from cheerful to skeptical to worried in five minutes. No wonder she and Marie get along so well.

"You think he'd be angry if I asked?" Marie asked slowly.

"Probably not, no one else has asked yet."

"You haven't?" She teased.

"No one else had asked." She laughed as she walked down the hallway they had come in from.

"Are you hungry?" Wanda asked.

"No, I'm fine, thank you." She nodded. 

"I didn't know someone was moving in," She admitted.

"Neither did I," He said, chuckling.

"You didn't know?" 

"I was promoted a few hours ago,"

"You were an agent?" He nodded.

"In Marie's team." She nodded.

"Archer, my man." Archer smiled and turned around to see Wilson pouring himself a drink at the bar. 

"Wilson," He greeted.

"Wanda offered you a drink, yeah?" She looked like she was about to say something, probably to ask me if he wanted a drink, but he cut her off.

"Yeah." He winked as she looked at him in disbelief. 

"Alright, well, be prepared to be asked a bunch more times cause the rest of the team just got back from training. And when they get out of the shower all soberness is out the window." Archer laughed.

"I have no idea what happened to your brother, but he's asleep now," Marie said coming back down the hallway and sitting beside Wanda. "How much did he drink last night?"

"Not much," Wanda said, shaking her head.


"Ivanov, Rylee." Clint sat on Wanda's other side, putting an arm around her shoulders.


"Papa Clint," Marie smirked.

"Papa Clint?" Archer looked at her with an amused smile.

"He acts like a dad to the twins." She explained, grinning.

"Ah, I see." He nodded.

"Archer! You're here," Bruce exclaimed. "Good, you can decide what we have for dinner."

"Oh, I don't care-"

"Pasta," Marie announced, smirking at him.

"Pasta it is," He said. He had been here for less than an hour and he felt like he hadn't stopped smiling since. Is this a team, or a family?


Hey guys! The first few chapters I've been playing with but I think I have a set plotline for it now and I am soooo excited!!

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


Changing Reality - W. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now