New dude in school

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y/n pov
"y/n wake your ass up before i come there today is your first day at your new school and over my dead body will you be late to school so get your ass up" My annoying and disturbing mom screamed from downstairs

"okay mom I'm coming" i yelled so loud i thought my voice box was gonna explode as i got up and went into the bathroom to go do my hygiene and then when i was done i took out my clothes for the day which were a big ass white shirt,black shorts and my favorite pair of AF1S but since i had about 10 pairs with different colours i decided to wear a white one and a black one with matching socks for each colour then i put on deodorant and my strong ass body spray which you could smell from a mile away and i put on my chain and a watch on one wrist and tied a bandana black on the other and i took my phone and bag and wallet and dashed down the stairs and normally i would just stroll down the stairs but the smell of the peanut butter toast got me mad hungry so i merged 6 of it and ate it quickly and  dashed out to wait for the school bus which was already pulling up so i just got in and went straight to the back to sit down so i wouldn't get disturbed because the girls were already licking their lips at the sight of me and they looked crusty as hell so i didn't want none of that so i just slid in my headphones listening to drill till we got to school

At school

I went straight to the deans office and saw a girl sitting there and not gonna lie she was looking sexy as hell this time i was the one licking my lips but i snapped out of it and spoke to the dean

"good morning mrs" i said

"how are you today mr y/n" the dean said smiling

"I'm fine mrs" i said returning the smile

"good here's your schedule and billie as punishment you will show him to his class since you have the same schedule and you will be his tour guide for the day" she said to the sexy ass sitting down looking so damn angry

"ugh common dickhead lets go" billie said rudely

"yo don't feel like i will stand here and take shit from you marshmallow" i said

"what did you say?" she said as she turned back looking like she was gonna beat me

"nothing" i said looking away

"i thought so" she said walking away

I honestly decided not to say anything because she is a girl else we would brawl out here but oh well it is what it is and the thing is i kinda like her so i think I'll play smooth for a while "whose this hot stuff" i heard a girl say while we were walking

"bitch keep your STDs off of him he is mine" billie said which made me blush

"yeah right i was not even talking to you and there's no way a guy this hot would want a girl like you" the random girl said

"watch bitch" billie said as she smirked

She grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me into a locker and kissed me so much i thought she was gonna suck the pink right off my lips and after that she dragged me to class and the whole thing was so weird plus she didn't say a word to me till the end of school.

Hiiii i don't know if y'all would like this but i just felt like doing it anyways but i hope y'all enjoy the first chapter because there's more coming but till then....sayonara✌

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