Back to school

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Y/n pov
I woke up to see billie coming out of the bathroom meaning she just finished taking a bath

"damn you should be sore as fuck how are you able to have the energy to do stuff" i asked as i stood up from the bed still naked

"worry about that later but right now we have to get to school plus we already late so go shower and theres a new toothbrush on the sink because your breath stinks as fuck i thought i would die from the smell and check your phone" she said as she dropped her towel and was naked in front of me

"damn sexy" i said biting my lips

"dude no sex till further notice so get your ass in the  bathroom" she said while getting dressed

"ok mom" i said walking in the bathroom

"thats what you called me last night" she said

"weirdo" i screamed from the bathroom

Time skip to school

Billie pov
"damn you in my clothes is sexy as fuck plus everyone is gonna be thinking we dating" billie said as we walked into the school compound

"duuuuhhhh aren't we?" i said

"yeah but they wont care" she said

"i will make them care" i said

"ok then" she said as we heard the bell ring meaning first period was over and we walked into the hall filled with students which was the perfect time for my plan to work

"ok so we have classes an-hmmm" i stopped her mid sentence by grabbing her and kissing her and we earned noises coming from students and then we pulled off after a bit

"dude wtf" she said

"now they gonna have to care" i said

"yeah right oh and by the way your mom dropped peanut butter sandwiches for us but no touching them till launch" she said

"wait lemme see" i asked as she brought out two warmers and i snatched one from her hand

"y/n tf is your problem did u smoke while you were in the bathroom?" she asked

"no but i hungry as fuck so im gonna eat this and at launch im gonna eat yours plus we can get taco bell or something later so chill" i said

"whatever dickhead" she said walking to class

"yeah yeah" i said walking to mine while eating my pb sandwich

Timeskip to launch

Billie pov
I wonder where tf y/n at and i hope he ok

"whats up bitch" i heard from behind me and i quickly got mad knowing who it was but i ignored

"bitch im talking to you are you deaf? I know you hear me after stealing my man" kelly said and i was about to talk but i blacked out immediately which meant only one thing.......will was awake and had taken over

"say that again baby lemme hear you" will said and i knew things were about to go crazy

"stupid ass bit-" she got slapped mid sentence

"never.....ever.....until....... your....... dead...... and......." will said in between punches and by the time she was done kelly was fucked up

"hey chill dont kill her" i heard y/n try to stop will and carry her which was a big fuck up because she punched him dead in the face

"wtf" was all he could say with tears running down his face and he walked away but he still carried my share of the peanut butter sandwich which was annoying but i let it go knowing it was the only way to make him calm down a bit

Yooooo some drama finally yeah? I knw i will see yall in the next chapter✌

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