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Billie pov
I got back to the hospital later that night skipping with a bag of pb sandwiches and orange juice in my hand because i was optimistic to see y/n awake and talking to his mom but on getting there i overheard...

"I'm sorry ma'am we lost him but before he died he kept mentioning billie while he was unconscious" the doctor said as he walked out

"y/n you left me without even saying a proper goodbye.......why would you do that to me y/n why?" I said as i started crying like crazy and hugging him tightly

"is it true?" i heard a sad voice from behind me

"who are you?" i asked the cute girl standing at the door

"I'm brianna but you can call me bri,I'm a friend of his from school" she said coming closer

"oh ok well its true and i don't know what to do now that he is dead" i told her

"well we can eat pb sandwiches to cheer ourselves up for a bit and its not gonna work but its just in memory of him" she said

"ok lets do it then" i said

"ill go get some ice cream" his mom said

"ok then" i said

So we started eating the pb sandwiches after his mom left to bring the ice cream and while we were eating it

"only 4 slices of this left,lets wait for his mom to come back" i said

"no dont worry i brought more" bri said as she brought a big warmer from under the bed so we continued eating and as i was about to take a bite out of the sandwich in my hands i felt a light grip on my hand

"really billie? You finna eat my own pb sandwich? Like dude do you not care about me?" i heard y/n say with his eyed closed

At that stage i didn't know if i should cry or just kiss him or fuck him there but when i looked at him i laid on his chest cos i just wanted to hold him and nothing else

"ill give y'all some space now" bri said while walking away

"no bri come here too" y/n said as he held out hus free hand for her.

Y/n mom pov
I decided to get the ice cream so i could clear my head and when i got back to the hospital i remembered my last convo with y/n over pb sandwiches and ice cream which made a tear slip and then when i got to his hospital room what i saw put me in such a shock that i dropped the ice cream.

Bri pov
As billie and i laid on y/n we got so comfy that we slept off but after a while we were woken by a loud thud and when we looked,we saw y/ns mother in shock and the ice cream on the floor and then she started crying.

"y/n is that you?" she said

"yes mom now please bring the ice cream so i can eat cos I'm starving"he said as we stood up from him

"oh so he finally woke up?" we heard a male voice speak which seemed to be the doctor

"looooool mission accomplished doctor" y/n said smiling

"well he is discharged and ready to go home so feel free at anytime and welcome back y/n" the doctor said

"thanks doctor" y/n said

"ok wtf is going on?" i asked

"Well i pranked y'all into thinking i was dead and the doctor was in on it" y/n said

"tf?" billie said

"oh you are in for a payback from all of us" i said

"yeah right lets just go home" y/n said

"you guys can go to billies and ill go home" his mom said

"ok then lets go" he said in dababy voice

While in y/n moms car
Billie texted me

Billie:so are you thinking what im thinking?

Bri:payback yeah?

Billie:yep a good 3some

Bri:totally in

Billie:ok then when we get home


So mom dropped us at billies and then she left and we went inside

"damn been a while" y/n said

"i know right?" billie said

"so whats next?" y/n asked

"PAYBACK" billie and u said at the same time

After a wild 3some

The next morning

Y/n pov
"Damn billie and bri wore me out" i said to myself as i headed downstairs

I got downstairs and was hit by the smell of eggs and bacon and i saw a girl with black and neon green hair cooking

"woah your up early billie" i said

"no bitch" she said

"wait....there's only one person with that tone.....will is that you?" i asked

"yep in the flesh" she said

"tf how come?"i asked shocked as hell

"long story short....I'm here bitch" she said

"yeah that's right....will and i had separated at midnight" billie said from behind me and she now had a blonde coloured hair

"wtf is going on?" i asked still hella shocked

"well the question is what is about to go on?" bri said as the e of them came together and looked at each other then at me

"what?" i asked scared asf

"a fucking foursome"will said as she started coming close to me

"no way I'm out fam" i said as i dashed to the room and jammed the door hoping it was locked

Only to see it kicked down and 3 naked girls coming at me which was sexily scary......

After the foursome

"Sooo a foursome huh?" i said

"yeahhhhhh" they all said at the same time

"and now you have three girlfriends" will said

"damn i am the man i guess" i i said still in a bit of shock

"yeah" bri said

"and like i said before....YOUR MINE" will said

"i believe its......YOUR OURS" billie said

"i guess so" i said

"i love you all" i said

"we love you too" they all said as we all drifted off to sleep

Yep its finally over y'all the book has ended and i hope it was worth it but please do comment about the book and vote too...thanks for saying till the end.....sayonara🤗✌

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