Truth and trust

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Y/n pov
"ugh.......f-fuck faster baby go faster baby suck my soul out if you have too" i said loving the feeling of having my first head session

"I'm about to cum baby" i said almost at my climax

"uuuuuggggghhhhhh fuck" i said as i came

Then i woke up to realize it was a fucking dream "like i really need to get deflowered soon my wet dreams are getting too much and are starting to annoy me" i thought to my self as i put my already cum stained shorts in the washer and went to do my hygiene and by the time i was done i went downstairs to the kitchen because man was hungry as fuck and mom was making peanut butter toast so i was gonna go crazy on those mf's but immediately i collapsed when i saw billie in the kitchen with my mom

"heyyyyy baby" billie said smiling

"y/n why did you not tell me you had a girlfriend" mom said

"ummmmmmm i didn't wanna disturb you with such boring news and i felt it was unimportant for you to know" i said nervous as hell

"I'm your mother you should tell me things like when you have a girlfriend or when you have your first sex or something" sha said fake pouting

"point taken but i WILL not tell you about my first sex mom" i said

"don't be rude to mom y/n" billie said

I swear i felt like killing her but i will later tho

A/n:ouuuuuuuu that's my man

We started eating and i still couldn't understand why billie was at my house but i was gonna find out 12 pieces of peanut butter toast and orange juice i was ready to face anything

"ok mom I'm going to billies and i will be back by evening" i said

"its ok baby you can spend the night there as long as its her i don't mind but make sure you use a condom" mom said smiling

"no mom i will be back by evening and there will be none of that" i said scrunching my face at her

"ok lets go bye mom if i can call you that" mom said

"yes you can and goodbye and remember to go easy on him" mom said smiling

"i will" she said smiling at me

I swear i could literally kill her right now but i will when we get to her house......

Billie pov
So I'm really nervous about today especially because i plan to tell y/n the truth about me and i hope i can trust him to keep my secret plus i really plan to fuck him like who wouldn't want to fuck a hot virgin boy right? Anyways i have that setup in my room plus no ones home until tomorrow morning so its a lot of time to talk and fuck.

"so can i sit?" he said sitting down anyways

"dude your already sitting how dumb can you be" i said

"ill show you when i bend you over in a bit" he said smirking

"you know,for a virgin your pretty pervy" i said smiling

"well when you watch lots of hentai and ecchi anime you tend to know a few things" he said smiling

"ok lets get to the talking" i said

"ok so tell me the truth about everything and just know that you can trust me ok?" he said as he pecked my lips

"ok so well you know basic details about me but the deep ones are what I'm gonna tell you" i said nervous

"ok I'm listening" he said giving me his full attention

"well I'm kinda bipolar and i used to take pill but i don't anymore the person who punched you yesterday was my bad side william but i call her will for short and she is aggressive a bit strong and very crazy and she takes over at anytime when she wakes up and she likes you too please don't leave me because I'm bipolar" i said already tearing up

"is that it?" he said

"yeah"i said

"please delete my number,forget about me,don't ever come to my house and lastly erase every memory you have of me" he said as he went out the door.

I started crying hard and for an hour he didn't come back so i was about to go upstairs when i heard the door open and thinking it was my parents or brother i kept going upstairs till i got to my room and started thrashing it.

"this is all your fault will if you had stayed in your place this would not have happened will i hate you and i wont ever forgive you and you can go to hell and-"

"dude why are you spazzing i was just joking with you" y/n said laughing while standing at the door

"why did you leave" i said

"it was a prank i wanted to see how you would take it and damn you did not take it at all

"i hate you" i said throwing a pillow at him

"love you too baby and now since we are here anything else you wanna talk about?" he asked

"actually yes" i said

I dragged him closer and kissed him and then i pushed him on the bed and hovered over him

"bil what are you doing" he said confused

"I'm sure you mean we?" i said

"we?" he asked

"me and will are gonna have a little payback so get comfy baby" i said as i kissed his neck

Yoooo i know i should have finished the chapter but I'm sleepy and tired and hungry so ummmmmmm i will see y'all in the next chapter and yes your horny selves will be satisfied in the next chapter until then.....sayonara✌

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