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Y/n pov
After getting punched dead in the face for trying to help her not going to jail i walked away and went to the school rooftop to clear my head even though im kinda scared of heights and who could blame me? I just got punched dead in the face by the girl i love which i still couldn't believe so i had to just get some air and stuff.

"y/n are you ok?" i heard billie ask from behind me

"do i look ok?" i replied rudely

"I'm sorry about what will did baby i didn't mean for it to happen" she said sadly

"i know and that's why i don't want to hear an apology from you but from her" i said as i kept looking around

"bitch not even in my grave would i ever apologize to you" billie said but that was not billie,it was will

"well fuck off then" i said not caring about the outcome of my words

Then i was dragged by my neck and thrown to the ground and will got on me

"listen here bitch,i don't care who tf you are all i know is "YOUR MINE EVEN IF YOUR DEAD" and no one can save you from me" will said mad as hell as she stood up from me and started walking away

"whatever" i said as i dusted my clothes teary asf and left school and started walking home

"y/n....y/n! Wait up" i heard a voice scream but i didn't know who it was

Then i saw a cute girl running towards me and even though i was dating it don't mean i wouldn't try get my flirt on

"hey bri" i said as she caught up and we started walking together

"hey y/n i know your not ok so I'm not gonna ask how your feeling but here is this peanut butter sandwich and i know it will cheer you up" she said as she handed me a brown bag

"damn it will for sure thanks a lot bri" i said and i noticed she was blushing hard and twisting a strand of her dark curly hair

"your welcome y/n" she said still blushing but covering her face a bit

"damn i must be naruto cos your being sooo hinata right now(if you know then you know)" i said as i took her hands out of her face

"omg stop it" she said

"you know your face is gonna hurt if you keep blushing like this" i said

"ok ok ill stop" she said

"yeah right oh and also my house is a few houses away where's yours?" i asked seeing as we were getting close to my house

"right there" she said as she pointed to a house which we were directly standing opposite

"ok then so i guess this is goodbye?" i said

"yes but first give me your phone" she said

I gave her and she put her number in and dialed it and it rang and i saved hers as "hinata😊🤗" while she saved mine as "naruto😊😋"

" ill text you" i said as i kept walking

"ok bye" she said as she entered while still waving

I waved back and started walking and i got home a few minutes later to see my mom panicking and pacing which meant there was gonna be an interrogation.

Yoooo.....hope y'all is enjoying the story cos its ending soon fam but anyways ill see y'all in the next chapter....✌✌✌

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