What do you really mean?

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Y/n pov
Sooooo billie just ran off which was weird as fuck but oh well i think i will be heading home right now since its the end of school for the day and my partner who walks with me which is billie is acting weird. So I'm walking home on my own and all of a sudden i'm dragged into the bushes i swear shit felt like a horror movie but then guess who it is........the crusty ass bitch who was looking at me

"hey baby" kelly said from out of no where

Y/n:woah hold your juices there i am so not your baby plus i would rather be a dead baby than be your baby

"ouuuuuu feisty......i like that" she said licking her lips

"what do you want from me" i said rudely

"i want you baby i wanna be yours forever,i wanna blow you when your stressed,i want you to fuck me senseless when i misbehave,i want you to tell me you love me when i feel bad and i want to be there for you when you feel worse" she said trying to be sweet

"ok that is just so fucking messed up dude like why would i want all that bro i want none of that so just leave me alone and let me go home plus if billie sees you here looking like your trying to harass me,its peak" i said

"she thinks she is so tough,well mark my words baby if i cant have you then no one can so you might as well get used to me baby" she said while walking close to me

She said as she tried to kiss me but i ducked and the kiss was met by a flying fist from billie which had me laughing a lot and she was bleeding so billie and i left her there and started walking home

"stupid bitch" billie said as we were walking

"wow if it ain't my knight in shining armour,girl am i glad to see you" i said relieved

"shut the fuck up before you get punched too" she said a bit mad

"yeah right you know you cant-"

A flying fist from billie concluded my words for me which then left me bleeding from my mouth like damn i thought i got punched by a man


She then paused in her steps and grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me to a tree aggressively

"listen here boy YOUR MINE(see what i did there?😎) do you understand?" she said angrily

"first you kiss me,then you say you love me,then you run off,then you come back and punch a girl for me,then you say i'm yours like what do you really mean(once again damn I'm genius)  billie?" i said still trying to wrap my head around things happening

"shut the fuck up boy your mine and that's that and if i get a whiff of you flirting or talking to another girl your done for do you understand" she said with a bit of dominance in her voice

I know I'm a boy and i should be stronger but this seemed way stronger than me and i am very nice so i don't fight and i definitely cant fight a girl so i had to just act like a bitch and not say anything

"o-o-o-ok" i said scared to death

"good boy now kiss me" she commanded

"ok" i said

We kissed for a while and it was violent but good and she dropped me and then she collapsed

"oh my goodness billie are you ok? Talk to me please don't die tell me if your ok" she said shaking a bit

"damn what happened and why do my knuckles hurt so damn bad and why the fuck are you bleeding who touched you" she said confused

Then she spaced out for a bit

Billie pov
"Oh no please don't tell me will what did you do?" i said freaking out

"oh nothing just did what you were so pussy to do and also your welcome because i just stopped kelly from giving our boyfriend STDS so yeah I'm going to sleep talk later" will said

"y/n i am so sorry but i have to go now but i promise we will talk about this tomorrow i will text you my address so you can come over to my house and we can talk since its the weekend and i wanted us to go out today but it didn't work out an-"

Y/n kissed me like he was about to die in my presence

"its ok billie we will talk tomorrow sleep well and i love you"y/n said

"me too and goodbye" i said blushing

I entered my house and watched y/n walk until he was out of sight but then i got a text

Y/n😚:you can go to sleep now I'm home already and apparently we don't live far from each other but oh well goodnight.

Billie:how did you know i was watching you?😅

Y/n:well lets just say im yours and you have to take care of your property and make sure its ok or am i wrong?😏

Billie:no your not but anyways goodnight and i love you and also remember your coming over tomorrow😚

Y/n:me too bil see you tonorrow

And after a long shower  i wore something comfy and went to bed.

Well that's it for this chapter and so i will see you all in the next chapter so don't forget to vote and comment and if you hate my book tell your friend you hate it then let he or she tell his friend and let his friend tell his friend etc anyways.......sayonara✌

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