Autumn Spirit {7}

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As a product of Clarke's hard work and diligent work habits, the marks she began to receive were in the high 80s and 90s, and the feedback she received from her teachers spoke very highly of her.

One of the best marks she had received so far this year was on her first unit test in biology, scoring one hundred percent.

She was pleased to hear that Lexa had also received a perfect score, and they had both been grateful that day they spent a couple weeks ago studying together at Clarke's house.

Although the work remained difficult, Clarke continued to keep up with her workload and stayed true to her work ethic, maintaining good marks and continuing to impress herself and those around her.

Her social life continued to thrive. Anya, Lincoln and Lexa had been entirely initiated into the friend group, and they spent a lot of time together in school and out of school. Octavia even added them to the groupchat, which is now almost always flooded with messages.

She was beyond happy that there were new members of their friend group now, they fit in perfectly with the others and were always so kind and friendly. Even though they hadn't been friends for long, it felt like they had been a part of their group the entire time. Clarke wishes they had met Anya and the others sooner, but she was still so thankful that she got to meet them before graduation.

She found herself most comfortable with Lexa, and they spent a lot of time hanging out together even when they weren't with the others.

The group spent the rest of the summer making memories together, hanging out multiple times a week. They would go the drive-in theatre, the park after school and even at night, go on shopping dates and even do study sessions after school and on the weekends.

Now that winter was approaching they spent a lot of the fall hanging out inside people's houses, since it was getting too cold to stay out too long.

Every October the group always celebrated Halloween. They were all very passionate about the holiday, mostly Raven and Octavia. They would start sending ideas for group Halloween costumes in early August.

The group always participated in the Halloween antics, pulling Halloween-themed pranks on each other, dressing up in coordinated group costumes, going trick or treating, and their absolute favourite; scaring little kids.

One year they had made their group costume theme monsters and other freaky creatures, and spent the entire night spooking little kids at every corner of the neighbourhood dressed up as some of their worst nightmares.

Clarke was often impressed with the type of group costumes that they could pull together. None of them were ever cheesy, but at the same time they never over did it.

They were known in their school for some of the best group and individual costumes, and almost always won the costume competition the school held in the cafeteria every year on Halloween.

This year they all had decided that they wanted to go above and beyond with their costumes, since it was their final year of high school and most likely the last time they would ever be able to do a group costume again.

They spent most of their time talking about different ideas and showing each other pictures of what they could do.

"So Clarke, I was thinking- of course if everyone else approved, we could do something like warriors or vikings, and it would be so perfect because it's totally unisex, and it's like not cheesy at all..." Raven says to Clarke excitedly, flipping through different images on her phone of different costumes she had saved earlier.

"I actually really like that idea Raven!" Clarke exclaims, becoming just as excited for the idea as Raven seemed to be.

"Right? And I was thinking since we've already done funny costumes twice, we could do something cooler now that we're older... and we would look so epic together, like an army."

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