The Swing of Things {3}

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Clarke spent the next few days trying her best to take it easy and stay out of any situations that might mess up her flow.

She payed the upmost attention in all of her classes, completed all of her assigned homework, and even did extra work with the hopes that she may receive extra credit. She tried her best to avoid wasting her time, keeping her social interactions to a minimal, yet appropriate amount. She was happy to find that she was getting into the swing of things.

Before she knew it the first week of grade 12 was over and she was finishing up her last Friday class. Since she had already completed all of her work that was due before the next week, she had an entire weekend to rest and have some fun.

The group had made plans to attend the end of summer festival that took place downtown after the first week of every school year. Bellamy and Octavia were keen on going every single year since it was one of the only major events that their parents allowed them to attend. Their parents were extremely strict about them going out, especially with Octavia who was the younger sibling of the two. They always made a big deal to make sure that everybody in the group would be able to attend.

After the ringing of the bell that dismissed her last class (calculus, she hated math but didn't mind it as much since it finished off her day) Clarke headed down the stairs and over to her locker on the first floor, expecting to see Bellamy, who always beat her there.

As she turned her corner she saw the entire group surrounding her locker. She picked up her pace out of excitement and lightly jogged down the hallway to greet her friends.

"Hey Clarke, did you crawl down the stairs? What took you so long?" Raven smirked, and made a hunched over position, pretending to hold a cane and dragging her feet slowly in front of her.

"Says the one who just had to walk down the hallway from the gym to get here." Clarke replied quickly.

"Gym? Raven why'd you take gym?" Monty asked her curiously. Nobody in grade 12 takes gym.

"'Cause I didn't want to have a spare, I'd lose my mind doing nothing." This was true, Raven was not very good at doing nothing. She always had to be moving around or working on some project, she never had her hands free.

"So Clarkey, did your mom say you could come to the festival tomorrow?" Bellamy turned to Clarke, awaiting her reply.

"Yeah, yeah she did. What time did we say we were gonna meet?"

"5:00pm at the front gates, Clarke. You gotta start checking the groupchat!" Octavia scolded lightly.

"She's too busy doing homework and reading, she probably forgot how to work a phone." Jasper teased.

Monty laughed and the two boys turned to each other and held up their right hands as if to high-five each other, but instead high-fiving themselves with their other hands.

"Just be lucky I got all my work done so that I could come." Clarke told them as she unloaded her books into her locker and closed the padlock. Her backpack felt light and empty against her back. She wouldn't need to bring any books home with her because she had no work to do so all that sat inside were her personal items like her chapstick and her glasses.

"Oh come on, even if you had work you would've came. You wouldn't break my heart like that, would you?" Octavia asked with a desperate look on her face.

Clarke sighed. "Of course I still would've came, I'd never miss an end of summer festival" she smiled and began walking towards the front doors.

The group followed along and they spent the rest of their time before pick-up chatting about how excited they were for their weekend to come. The group slowly became smaller and the conversation became less as each individual was picked up by their parent, or made their own ways home.

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