October 30th {8}

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Loud buzzing sounds came from the right side of Clarke's bed as she groaned and spun over in an attempt to turn it off. She smacked at the table until she made contact with the alarm, which fell silent.

She struggled to open her eyes as she swung her feet over the side of her bed and began to make her way over to the bathroom.

Turning the tap on to its coldest setting, she began to run her hands under it and splash it over her face in an attempt to wake herself up.

After a few splashes she was feeling more alert, and began to get dressed and brush her teeth.

She slipped into her black skinny jeans and pulled over an oversized grey hoodie on top of her long sleeve top. She shivered and cuddled up into it for a moment before pulling her hair up into a quick ponytail and exiting the bathroom.

She threw a few things in her bag before heading down the stairs and preparing her lunch from the fridge.

After packing every thing inside her lunch bag and filling up a water bottle, she spun around to leave the kitchen.

Remembering one thing, she turned back around to grab a tupperware from above the fridge. She pulled down the container which was full of cookies she had made for the Halloween party tomorrow and placed a couple into her bag.

She travelled over to the main doors and slipped on her Doc Martens before heading out the door to catch the bus.

The bus ride to school was fairly relaxing. Not many people shared the ride and Clarke was thankful for the heating that the vehicle provided. As winter approached, the sun took longer to rise in the morning, giving the perfect amount of light to adjust to as the morning continued on.

Clarke got off one stop early and made her way over to the McDonald's beside her school to grab a coffee since she had time to spare before school began. She didn't feel like going through the process of making one at home since it took so much more effort, and she couldn't get through her day without one.

Grabbing the coffee from the counter, she thanked the employees and pushed through the doors of the fast food restaurant, making her stride toward Arkadia High.

She pushed through the front doors and made her way down the stairs and over to her locker on the first floor.

As she turned the corner to the hallway, she recognized somebody standing in front of her locker. It wasn't Bellamy, this figure was a few inches shorter and had long wavy brown hair.

Lexa glanced up from her phone and smiled and waved over at Clarke who picked up her pace to make her way over to her.

"You're here bright and early" Clarke chuckles, sharing the same happy energy that Lexa appeared to be experiencing.

"Yes, I woke up at first light and decided to take come here earlier than usual. I thought I would wait for you here since I know you tend to arrive early." Lexa explains herself, eyeing Clarke with kind eyes and a soft smile.

"Well, here I am." Clarke offers as she begins to spin numbers into the lock on her locker.

"Here you are." Lexa murmurs.

Clarke can feel Lexa's eyes against the side of her head and her heart begins to pick up its pace.

"If I had known you were gonna be here, I would've grabbed you one too" Clarke says before taking a sip of her coffee, which was now the perfect temperature for drinking.

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