She got cheated on?

364 11 2

June 3rd, 2004

Age: 14

You smiled widely.

Looking at the pillows placed exactly how you needed it to be under the rolls of bed sheet, little hair strands on the edges of it, covered again by stuffed bears and unruly clothes thrown messily on it, you couldn't be more satisfied.

The sleeping you looked absolutely perfect.

And now, it's time to get the hell out of here.

Your feet moved silently against the hardwood floors of your bedroom as you grabbed your bag, putting in your wallet and phone into the leather pouch as you hummed to yourself

You went to the windowsill and placed your hand on it. You rubbed your palms and swung your legs over it, before hesitating.

"Should I take the swiss?" You wondered. "Ah, I probably won't need it."

You placed your legs carefully on the roof as you stepped over, making sure you don't fall. Then you walked over to the edge and let yourself drop down.

Your fingers gripped the edges of the roof, and your toes dug into the broken wooden planks on the wall. Most of them had holes and cracks in them as it was where the storeroom was situated, and no one ever bothered to renew the place, much to your likeness.

You slowly stepped downwards letting the wall guide you, closing your fingers around each cave as you went, lowering yourself from the second floor of the house. Once you reached the end of it, you simply got off without a sound.

The grass against your feet gave you a warm feeling that made you smile.

How long had it been since you last went out during the night?

Since you've been following everything he said? Well, damn that, tonight you intended on having fun.

You grabbed your shoes from the corners of the wall where you'd hid it and tiptoed over to the backyard. Your room had been on the back right of the house, making use of the backyard would have been much safer than the front to sneak out.

And you remembered that your father never oiled the gates, making them creak loudly when used. And for some reason it did not seem like he had just forgot to.

Once you neared the walls, you tossed your shoes over them, and heard the soft fall follow.  Then you grabbed onto the tree branch next to the wall, pulling yourself up and hoisting over the wall.

You landed with a thud, forgetting to brace yourself for the landing, yet still on your feet.

"I did it..." You muttered. "I got...I got out!" You trust your fists in the air.

"Wait, too loud." You hushed yourself, clamping your hands over your mouth, before laughing lightly.

Putting your shoes on, grinning like there was no tomorrow, you ran.


You fell onto the grass. Your breath was unsteady and ragged, and your hair had come loose.

But you'd never felt this free in so long, it seemed unreal.

For the past year and a half, all you did was go to school and come back. You almost never went out, forged to stay at home and do your notes. If you were done, do it again. Oh you're done? Alright. Go to your room.  Anything to keep you inside. You'd missed everything.

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