Tip: Avoid Violence (Fail)

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"Oh yeah, Princess?"

The voice came from behind you.

"Dammit," You clenched your jaw.

Your body moved fast as lighting, turning on your heels to face the man. Then you raised your dominant leg and kicked him on his side, sending him falling onto the ground.

You quickly took a few steps away from him, moving away from the closed-off ally and toward to the open entrance.

The guy was not moving on the ground, seemingly knocked out cold.

You didn't mean to knock him out like that, but when someone jumps you, your first thought would be defense. And keeping your strength in check was sometimes hard...

"Yikes," You looked up from the guy and at the other men, then shrugged, "I told you to just let them go man."

You knew this was going to turn into a full-down fistfight.

"The fuck?" One of them pressed, moved forward towards you. "What the hell?"

One guy with blonde hair placed his hand on him, making him stop and look back. "Henri, yo wait, she just took down one of us by herself, she seems like bad news."

You smiled, stretching your legs. They were getting intimidated, good.

"Huh?" He growled. "Manon wasn't even strong! I'm the leader here, shut up and watch as I grab her, Asuh!"

He ran at you and your smile reduced into an annoyed expression. He can't think, can he?

He caught you by the wrist. You grabbed his upper arm at that with your other hand, and pushed him down on the ground. He lost his balance and you moved behind him as he fell. You caught him by the neck as you sat on top of him.

"Aight, lesson number one." You pulled his hair making him cry. "Never act on anger."

You pressed on his neck, he slumped to the floor. Pressure points.

You got up from him quickly, not wasting a second, and stepped away. You undid your ponytail and shook out your hair. Running a finger through it, you pulled out a tangle.

"Look," You sighed. "I told you to fuck off, already, thrice. All you had to do was let them go, they didn't do anything to you.

"One of you tried to grab me, what a dick." You tied up your hair. "I don't give a fuck about your fights, but stooping so low and assaulting a girl, that's not a good fucking move."

You craned your neck to the side to get a view of the girl, she stuck to the wall, holding herself as tears soaked her eyes and letting out whimpers out of fear, but her eyes also showed something else.


Hope that you were emitting.

That something that made you feel worth it.

When she caught your eye, you smiled gently. You gave her a little nod. It'll be okay.

7 people. 2 down. 5 to go.

The leader was down. It's easy to point out the second in command. Asuh.

"Ever-Everyone!" He squeaked, you wanted to laugh at his character. "Get-Get her! Take her down!"

You whistled, "Okay then."

2 of them ran at you at once. One swung his fist at you, aiming for your face. The other kicked from the other side, hoping to take you down. You bent down, making the guy who aimed for your cheek switch his position to an undercut. But then you moved out of the way completely. Both the men hit each other with the force intended on you. And instantly crumbled. You chuckled.

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