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It was currently somewhere around the first week of July. The school term in Japan started in April, which was two months ago. The sun was blazing up in the sky as the cherry blossom trees danced with the breeze that passed them by, allowing the petals on the trees to fly around in the air majestically before gently falling down to the ground.

The fourteen year old girl, who was currently looking out the window of her dorm room, sighed and played with her wand. There were two weeks left before their first term at Mahoutokoro School of Magic would end, and she could finally go back home to her parents.

"(Y/N)-san," one of her dorm mate from the house 'Yosamu' called for her attention, causing the girl to turn around. "Would you like to come with us at the Nebuta Matsuri this August 2nd?"

(Y/N) smiled at the dorm mate's invitation but shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry, Suzuki-san. I don't think I'll be able to come with you at the Nebuta Matsuri. I wish I could though." She replied.

Suzuki, the dorm mate, frowned and sat on their four-poster bed. "Do you really have to go back to England with your parents? What about school, wouldn't you fall behind if you go to a magical school there?"

"Well, I can't really do anything about it. My father retired from his work here in Japan and our permanent residence is back at England in Surrey. We just left it behind to our relatives there but we'll take it back once we're back home." (Y/N) explained and slipped out of her golden school robe, which had the Yosamu house symbol embroidered on it.

"The Yosamu Quidditch team will miss you, you know?" Suzuki pouted and crossed their arms while looking at the girl with a sad expression. "You're the best chaser this school has seen in a while."

"You flatter. I'm no match for Jima-senpai. Isn't he the chaser and captain of Seiran's Quidditch team?" (Y/N) chuckled while neatly folded her robe next to her.

"Jima-senpai is a good chaser, of course but you're already an impressive chaser yourself at the age of fourteen! I mean, your techniques while trying to brush off any chasers and beaters from the opposite team are amazing!" Suzuki exclaimed and recalled the moments where (Y/N) can stay fully upright and standing on her broom while holding the quaffle in her hands, almost like she's surfing of some sort.

In one particular moment however, (Y/N) tipped her feet to the left side of the broom too much that many people thought that she was about to fall down to the ground in a painful thud.

But to everyone's surprise, the Yosamu chaser managed to catch herself by using her reflexes and immediately gripped her gloved hands tightly to her broom, anchoring herself for a moment before swinging her body back upwards just as a bludger was about to hit her straight on her stomach.

"Not to mention you're already acing your classes here in Mato..." Suzuki sighed defeatedly. "You're like a goddess at this point, (Y/N) Tachibana... How do you even manage to balance Quidditch and school at the same time?"

"Goddess is an exaggeration, Suzuki-san." (Y/N) sighed and felt uncomfortable with the amount of praise her dorm mate was showering on her. True, (Y/N) is an exceptional student and is among the top in Mahoutokoro, but she didn't really want to lavish with all of the praise her peers and parents give her.

The school was mostly envied by the top wizarding schools in the world for their students' academic prowess and the unimaginable Quidditch talent the players in each houses had. Their classes were fairly advanced and the other students, despite their robes only being colored pink and not golden as the top students wear in the school, were still smarter than an average wizard or witch that is currently studying in a magical school.

(Y/N) was among those top students in the school, ranking third in all of Mahoutokoro. She was only behind Jima, the Seiran Quidditch team's captain and chaser.

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