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"It's not here."

(Y/N) and the other Hufflepuff Quidditch players became exasperated as they tried to look around the storage room for their brooms. (Y/N), especially. Her broom was coloured red, for Merlin's sake - she could immediately tell it was hers just from one single look.

If the color wasn't enough, the Mato crest on her broom would've gave it away.

The Red Thunder was special to her. She wouldn't take it if it got stolen, broken, or... Well, god forbid anything bad happened to it. As a Quidditch player, (Y/N)'s broom was more than just a broom to her - it was like her partner.

So seeing her broom nowhere to be found made her extremely upset, but she wasn't about to let this anger out on other people, especially her housemates. She knew how to control her anger and when to let it out.

Helga, even Cedric's was missing.

"Where did our brooms go?" mumbled Cedric  with a troubled look on his face as he tried to scan the room once more for the brooms of his team. "Did Filch move them somewhere without telling us?"

"I'll go ask Filch." One of the Hufflepuff players said as they stood up from their seat. "If Filch doesn't know anything about it, we might have to report this to Professor Sprout."

"Yeah, we should do that." Cedric agreed as the player left. With a sigh, the dark haired boy turned to look at (Y/N), who looked just as troubled as he is.

"Hey (Y/N), you alright?" He asked, but he knew the girl didn't look fine. He knew how much her broom meant to her if she continuously talked about Quidditch to him almost every single day.

(Y/N) looked up to Cedric and pulled up a weak smile and gave him a brief nod. "Mhm..." She hummed before looking back down on the ground and sadly playing with her fingers.

"I'm sorry." Cedric apologized as he took a seat next to her. "We'll find your broom soon, I promise. I know how important your broom is to you."

"Thanks, Cedric." (Y/N) thanked the boy and felt a little bit better once she saw his reassuring smile. It felt nice to have someone like Cedric comfort her, especially since she knows just how kind and heart-warming he is.

"Still, I'm sorry this happened to you." said Cedric and then turned to all of the players present around them. "I'm sorry to all of you guys as well. If only I'd already taken the brooms to our proper shed last week..."

"Ced, you don't need to apologize." One of the players told the captain with a smile. "It's not like our brooms are broken or anything - for all we know, Filch could've just moved it somewhere, like you said."

"Yeah, and it's not your fault." (Y/N) added, smiling at the boy. "You're a prefect, so you're also stuck between patrolling the school grounds and being busy with tasks from professors. You shouldn't apologize for not being able to put our brooms earlier."

The rest of the team nodded at (Y/N)'s words, making Cedric smile back at them and felt glad that he had friends like them in this school.

Just as (Y/N) was about to talk to the rest of the team while they waited, another set of footsteps caused the girl to turn her attention towards the source, thinking that the Hufflepuff player came back and told them the news.

However, her face dropped as a frown made its way into her face once she saw the sneering face of Draco Malfoy and his goons on the hall. She was about to turn around to not give herself any more attention from the racist Slytherin, but the boy had other plans.

"Didn't know that the mudblood knew how to play a game like Quidditch." The Malfoy commented loudly so (Y/N) could hear him. "Since, you know; mudbloods are raised by muggles and none of them have any previous knowledge of what magic is."

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