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As (Y/N) and Harry walked through the halls of the castle and towards the Great Hall, the heels of their black shoes clicked through the stone floor and seemingly echoed around the walls. Harry felt himself blushing just by being near the girl, his heart racing in excitement and nervousness.

(Y/N), who noticed the boy's anxiety, nudged him by her arm. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked out of concern.

"O-Oh, um... Nothing." said Harry as his shoulders jumped at the sudden contact from (Y/N)'s arm. He regained his composure as he cleared his throat and turned to look at the girl with a smile. "So, you seem to be getting along with Diggory."

"Oh, yeah." The Hufflepuff hummed and smiled to herself as an image of the dark haired boy popped up inside her mind. "He's... a nice guy."

Frowning, Harry felt a slight twinge of jealousy bubbling up inside his mind. "I told you to not pay that much attention to him, didn't I?" He muttered almost threateningly, but (Y/N) still heard what he said and turned to look at him skeptically.


"I'm just... Well," Harry struggled to find his words and stopped in his tracks, causing the girl to stop as well and listen to what her childhood friend has to say. "Look (Y/N), it's been five years since we last saw each other. Ever since you came to Hogwarts, we haven't had any proper chances to talk and all that..."

"Didn't we just talk last week during Professor Moody's class?" asked (Y/N). Harry sighed and started to play with his fingers, especially the finger where the ring was.

"I know, but it feels like we've... just grown distant, you know?" said Harry, biting on his lip anxiously. "I just... I missed you, and I just wished that you talked to me more than Diggory."

None of them said a word to each other after that. (Y/N) kept her gaze at the nervous Gryffindor in front of her, feeling a weight on her shoulders when she saw how sad Harry looked. Was she really being a bad friend that Harry had to say something like this?

She felt guilty.

Harry was the first friend she's ever gotten in her life. Aside from her cousins who rarely visited her, Harry was really the only person who she turned to, and Harry felt the same. Both of them only had each other when they were nine years old.

She left him for over five years and when she came back, she didn't even bother giving Harry much attention as he does to her everyday, which indicates just how much he missed her.

Gulping, (Y/N) walked closer towards Harry and placed her hand on his. "I'm... sorry." She apologized and gazed right at his green eyes, which held a look of surprise. "I didn't know that I wasn't talking to you all that much."

Harry paused for a moment then flashed (Y/N) a gentle smile. "You don't have to apologize." He replied. "Just... Just talk to me more often, will you?"

'In fact, don't even talk to Diggory or anyone at all. Just talk to me instead.' thought Harry as he continued to smile.

Nodding, the Hufflepuff grinned at the Gryffindor and pulled him into a brief hug. Harry's glasses almost fell from his face and physically stopped from the shock. "I'm sorry again. I missed talking to you too." She said, and was about to retract from the boy but felt something thumping on Harry's chest.

His heart... was beating too fast and too loudly that even (Y/N) could hear it. 'Holy... How could someone's heart beat this fast?' She thought before hastily retracting herself from the boy.

"Harry, are you al-"

She stopped when she saw how red Harry's face had gotten. His glasses looked like it was about to fall and his chest heavily rose up and down as if he takes deep breaths everytime he breathes.

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