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Transfiguration classes started, and true to Hermione's words, the trio arrived at the classroom before Professor McGonagall arrived, much to (Y/N)'s relief.

Harry scanned the classroom, hoping that he could sit beside the (H/C) haired Hufflepuff. To his disappointment, there was already another Hufflepuff next to her. Once his green eyes landed on (Y/N)'s (E/C) ones, the girl waved at him and sent him a gentle smile.

(Y/N) hoped that he was alright and back to normal, especially since he was hostile to Draco Malfoy just a few moments ago.

The Gryffindor returned the smile with a nod, reassuring the Hufflepuff. She internally sighed in relief and watched as he, Ron, and Hermione found themselves an available seat.

It didn't take long for Professor McGonagall to arrive in the classroom after that. (Y/N) recognized the woman to be the same woman that led her and the first years to the Great Hall. Due to her stern face and intimidating aura, (Y/N) wondered if she was the same as her Mato teachers.

Accurately enough, Professor Minerva McGonagall was a strict teacher. Her voice was strong and it catches every single of the students' attention in the classroom. All of them listened to the teacher intently, none of them daring to talk or doze off in front of her as they knew that there'd be serious consequences.

(Y/N) smiled when she heard her discuss the topic about 'Vera Verto', which was one of the spells that she already covered when she was in her third year in Transfiguration class.

Before classes dismissed, Professor McGonagall reminded them that they'll discuss the topic more tomorrow before heading on to transfiguring a few mice. What they'll be transfiguring the mice into, they had no idea.

As (Y/N) was about to leave the classroom, McGonagall's voice called out for her name, causing the Hufflepuff to turn around. She immediately felt nervous - was she in trouble?

"Miss Tachibana, was it?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking straight at (Y/N)'s anxious face. The girl nodded as she walked closer to the Transfiguration professor.

"Yes, Professor." She replied and tried to not show much of her nervousness in front of McGonagall, although it seems like the older woman could already tell.

"I was told that Mahoutokoro's lessons are rather advanced than that of Hogwarts. I assume that you already know about Vera Verto?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"Yes, Professor. It has already been taught to us when we were in our third years." replied (Y/N) with a brief nod.

"I see." hummed the Transfiguration teacher. "I hope you won't slack off in classes just because you've already covered this before, Miss Tachibana."

Flustered, (Y/N) looked at McGonagall with wide (E/C) eyes. "Oh no, I wouldn't! Slacking off in classes is something I wouldn't do, Professor. Especially since we were taught to pay attention to every lessons in Mato." she replied and nervously rubbed the back of her neck.

"I'm just saying, Miss Tachibana. Professor Dumbledore did tell me that you are one of the top students in Mahoutokoro." McGonagall lightly smiled down at the girl but returned her stern expression before (Y/N) could notice her smile. "I know that transferring to another school might prove harder for you to fit in with your peers, but I encourage you to get along with them and take the lessons seriously, even if you've already covered them before."

(Y/N) stared at the older woman for a moment, slightly embarrassed that the headmaster of the school mentioned something like that to one of the teachers. She never liked it when people mention her academic achievements in Mato, since it feels like they want her to keep doing her best or surpass her limits, even though she just studies and does her performance tasks well.

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