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"Mate, you've been staring at the Hufflepuff girl for minutes now." Ron told Harry, who was chewing his food slowly while keeping his gaze at the laughing (Y/N). She was sitting beside Cedric and a few of the other Hufflepuff Quidditch team players that Harry recognized.

Harry snapped out of his gaze and drifted his attention away from (Y/N), ignoring his red-haired friend's words while continuing to eat his breakfast. "If you want to talk to her, just talk to her." said Ron.

Harry scoffed and almost rolled his eyes at his words. "If only it was that easy." He said and glanced back at (Y/N), who was now enthusiastically talking about Quidditch to the other Hufflepuff players.

"You've been acting off since yesterday, Harry." Hermione told the black haired boy with a frown as she set her book down to the table. She was waiting for her two friends to finish eating so they could finally go to class. "I know you fancy that girl, but you should really tone it down a bit."

Harry turned to look at Hermione with an annoyed look and an eyebrow quirked up, almost as if he dared Hermione to explain what she meant by that. "What do you mean? I'm not doing anything wrong."

Hermione noticed the sudden hostile look he had and paused for a moment before sighing. "Staring at a girl for an unhealthy amount of time is wrong, Harry. Honestly, if she noticed that you were staring at her, she would think it's creepy." explained Hermione.

Harry said nothing and angrily bit on his lip as he continued to eat his breakfast. He was already in a sour mood when he saw (Y/N) with Cedric earlier this morning, his two best friends were just adding more fuel to the fire.

Harry just thought that they didn't understand him and his feelings towards (Y/N). She's been gone for five years, and in those five years she was gone, the boy remained faithful to her and his feelings for her were unchanged.

He was sure that (Y/N) came back to England just for him. He thought that she just missed him so much that she just had to be in Hogwarts just to be with him, although that's a pretty far-fetched assumption to make.

Once Harry was done eating, he didn't even bother telling Hermione and Ron where he was going and just left the Gryffindor table and the Great Hall. The two Gryffindors watched as Harry left, confused as to why he suddenly walked off without saying anything.

"What's wrong with him?" Ron muttered in annoyance. Whatever's going on with Harry right now, he did not like it. Ron thought that he was just being plain rude.

"Beats me. He's probably mad that we told him off." Hermione shrugged and picked up her book once more. "He'll come around later - he always does. Just finish your breakfast so we can go to classes."

"Don't rush me." Ron told her with an eye-roll.

»»----- ♡ -----««

As the fourth years went to their first class of the day, which was Defense Against the Dark Arts, (Y/N) bid Cedric goodbye and walked off to the classroom by herself, but not before grabbing her Hufflepuff robe back in her dorm room.

She followed a group of fourth year Hufflepuffs who were chatting about how odd the new DADA teacher was, which (Y/N) agreed; he acted very strange on the very first day, strutting to the door like that and calming the thundering bewitched sky of the Great Hall's ceiling.

(Y/N) tried to recall what her DADA lessons were back at Mato while following the Hufflepuff students. She just wished that the current lessons were the lessons that she already covered back at her previous school.

As the Hufflepuff entered the classroom, she scanned the room for a moment before taking a seat in an available chair. Tucking some of her (H/C) locks away from her face, she waited for the professor to come as students eventually piled up inside the classroom.

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