Chapter 3- Volturi

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Chapter 3- Volturi

Over the next few weeks my nightmares were getting worse and worse. It was the same one everytime. Each time the person would get closer and closer. Alice and Emmet were always there though, to calm me down. It helped a bit but it didn't stop the nightmares. Alice tried to get Carisle to do some tests but he was always either too buisy at work or with Nessie or he wouldn't believe them and thought I was making this up.

Alice was actually thinking of taking me to Italy and going to the volturi for help. She was that desperate. Since Carisle coudn't help maybe they could. The nightmares themselves weren't the biggest problem though. When I had the nightmares I could physically feel the pain I feel in my nightmare. So when I cracked my head on a rock in my nightmare I could actually feel the pain from it in real life. The only difference between reality and my nightmares was that the damage didn't actually appear on my body and that the nightmare was in my head.

Nessie knew about the nightmares because one day while I was having it she happened to be awake and heard so she rushed intoy room. She saw me and panicked so Alice and Emmet told her what has been happening. The rest of the family (apart from Jasper) however, thought that I was just faking. Jasper felt my pain and terror so he immediately knew I wasn't faking. He's been helping me by calming me down after the nightmares sometimes. I was gratefull to him for helping me.

Today Alice, Emmet and Jasper are all deciding if they should take me to the volturi and see if they could help me. Last night we figured out who the person in my nightmares was. Much to all our horror, it was Dad although in my nightmare his face was monstrous rather than his normal serious self or loving -apart from with me- expression.

Jasper figured that I was scared of him because he didn't love me. He said it was nateral to be terrified of someone who's supposed to care about you but doesn't. I agreed with him on that one.

Right now they were all sitting in my room disscusing if it was safe to go to Italy or not. Alice was worried for my safety, Emmet was worried that the volturi wouldn't be trustworthy and Jasper was just unsure if it was safe going there. I was sitting on Emmet's lap playing with my appearance, deciding which look suited me the most. Right now my hair was curly, purple and went just below my shoulders. My eyes were gold and I was 4ft so I looked about eight or nine years old.

I wasn't paying attentsion to the grown up's disscussion as I played with my power. I changed my hair honey blond like Unce Jasper's and kept it curly and changed it back to it's original waist lengh. I made my eyes redish gold and myself 3'2, which was an inch taller than I naterally was. I grinned. I looked like a miny Jasper. It just needed on more touch. I changed my skin to a normal vampire pale and made my arms covered in bite marks like his. Emmet noticed my appearance and started laughing. Alice and Jasper looked at him in confusion untill they noticed me. Alice grinned and giggled while Jasper chuckled and picked me up and put me on his lap. I giggled.

"Jasper I didn't know you had a minuture girl version of yourself." Emmet said, after finally calming down. Jasper rolled his eyes and poked my arm.

"That's because I don't." he replied, giving me a playful look. I giggled but kept my appearance the same apart from changing my height to 3'5 so I was taller.

"I like this look though!" I whined. He rolled his eyes.

"Too bad!" He exclaimed. I groaned before changing back to how I normaly looked exept the height which was now naterally 3'5. I guess I must of grown again.

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