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ANIME — Devilman Crybaby
PAIRING — Akira Fudo x Reader
GENRE — Angsty
NOTE — This is inspired by both the song in another life and the fanfic. When it's written in cursive it's a flashback, just so you know.
Fun fact I actually read it recently and I can flex and say that i never once cried😌

"The Rose"


Starring at my reflection, I see the dark circles and the puffy ness of my eyes. As well as my now paled complexion.

Looking slightly to the right I see the withered rose. I walk up to it and reach my hand out to touch one of the leaves. But just millimeters apart, I pull away.

"Here." He pulls out a rose from behind his back. I smile and slightly laugh.
"Where did you get that?" I ask him.

He brings up his left hand and rubs the back of his neck. "I kind of bought it for you.." he trails off at the end of his sentence.

I laugh a little once again. "Aww.. How sweet of you to bring flowers for me." I say taking the flower carefully from his hand. I bring it up to my face to smell it.

The soft smell of rose fill your nose and you sigh in pure bliss. "Thank you Akira." You look him in the eye.

He looks to the side, a soft pink dusting his cheeks.

"But.. now I look like a jerk since I didn't bring you anything!"

He brings his hand up to cover the lower part of his face as he slowly breaks out into laughter. As the heavenly sound of his laugh fills your ears, and you can't help but stare at him. The soft light from the sun creating a soft glow on his skin and the small tears glistening in the corners of his eyes.
The sight is breathtaking and you have to pinch yourself to make sure that this is real.

"You're so beautiful." You whisper to yourself. But he heard you and now he's back to blushing like a school girl.
If anyone saw you right now they'd probably say that it's 'puppy love'.

You softly take his hand and look at him to make sure that you don't make him uncomfortable. He slowly turns to look at you once again and to him you look like an angel.
The sun shining from behind you and that soft look in your eyes and a small smile and the rose still in hand.

"May I kiss you Akira?"

He looks shocked, but nods either way. And as you move closer to his lips you put your arms around his neck, the rose still in hand.
His hands travel down to hold your waist. And just before your lips interlock he mutters,

"I love you [Name]."

Thinking back to that time brought tears to your eyes. Softly running down your cheeks the tears glistened in the soft light creeping in from your curtains, just like they had done that day on Akira.

"I love you to Akira. Sorry that you never got to hear it."


[531 words; 11/8/2021]

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