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ANIME/BOOK/SHOW — Treasure Planet
PAIRING — James Plaeidas Hawkins x Reader
GENRE — Angst
WARNING(S) — Blood, swords and mentions of battle
NOTE — Sorry i haven't updated in months.
Ive been struggling a lot with my depression and anxiety and haven't been feeling well.
Hope you like this story tho :)

"Paint the world red."



Too much blood.

Red was staining the ground as Jim bled out. The man standing above him smiled down at his work. A deep wound in the abdomen.

I could only stare. My eyes wide as my sword hit the ground. I ran forward and kneeled beside Jim. The red liquid stained my hands and my clothes. His breathing was getting irregular and his skin paled.



Water hit Jim's skin.

'Rain?' I thought as I looked at the sky.

'No, the sky is clear.' My hand reached up to my face.


I was crying as I sat hunched over his dying body. His lips parted.

"Hey... Why am I so cold?" Jim's voice was hoarse as he spoke.

He lifted his right hand away from his abdomen. Then he saw the red liquid running down his hand and dripping down his arm.


I felt angry. How could Jim be so chill about this? He's dying!

"Oh? Oh! You're dying! You're going to die!"

The tears were making it hard to see, but I could see a small smile stretch across his face, as he looked at me with those kind blue eyes, like he'd always done.

"At least the last thing I see is you.." He said almost out of breath.

He coughed. Red. The red is everywhere. The battlefield was covered in it. Same as me. It made me sick that such a pretty color could cause so much horror.

"There's one last thing I have to tell you before I go.." Jim said, interrupted by coughs.

"No.. No.." I repeated as I shook my head back and forth. "Don't say that, you're going to survive."

"I know I wont.." His smile didn't falter even once. "I just want you to know that I lo-"

"No!" I shout. "You can't say you love me right before you're going away! It's not fair!"

His hand gently touched my cheek. I could feel the liquid drip down my face, but I pressed it even tighter against my skin. He gave me a toothy smile as the light faded from his eyes and his hand went limp.

I just sat there. Waiting for him to start moving again.

But... It never happened.

I stood up again. My white shirt now stained red and his blood dripping down my face.

I picked up his sword and looked over the battlefield. People are fighting everywhere. More blood staining the ground. A smile spread across my face.

"Let's paint the world red."

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